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Haven Adamide Fellowship Rainbow Bible




The Book of Karaite Adamidism

 Created by

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

6177 SC


Lesson One

The Scripture - the Tanakh. The Foundation - Genesis 1 - 5.

The Purpose - Sanctification. The Result - Life Eternal.



Lesson Two

The Religion - Descendants of Adam. The Sign - Creation.

The Purpose - Protection from Destruction. The Result - Everlasting




Lesson Three

The Doctrine - A Moral Life. The Reason - Civilization.

The Purpose - Law and Order. The Result - Eternal Peace



Lesson Four

The Community - A Family of Faith. The Structure - Faithful Genealogies.

The Purpose - A Sense of Belonging. The Result - Meaning in Life




To Proclaim the Religion to Mankind. To Uphold the Teaching of Scripture.

To Build an Everlasting Fellowship. To Live Long, Prosper and be at Peace with God and the World.



Haven Adamide Fellowship is the seventh of the seven divine fellowships of the Advancing Noah Movement. We teach biblical monotheism based on the Hebrew Scriptures, Genesis 1:1 – 11:9 being the primary scripture, which we call the Rainbow Torah, for the purposes of the ANM in the Karaite Adamide-Noahide fold. HAF has a particular concentration on Genesis 1 – 5, but the entire Rainbow Torah is definitely of relevance, especially as mankind was judged by a flood, which is shown in the latter half of the Rainbow Torah. We also teach religion originating in the thoughts of Daniel Daly, the founder of the ANM (Myself), who has studied many years on biblical monotheism and religious thought. The intent of the ANM is to teach the truth. I am not trying to do what has been done before – it is just that is hasn't. Technically, to the best of my understanding, Jesus never really was the Messiah and Christianity is flawed on some other spiritual reasonings also. I can't in good faith simply teach Christian doctrine and live my life by that as it is ultimately not quite right – there are fundamental problems with it, especially to do with lawkeeping and idolatry. Talmudic Noahide faith is reasonable, and a life based on that would be worthwhile and decent enough. But the flawed thinking of ascribing the oral law to the generation of Moses is still rejected in Karaite Jewish thinking, and I maintain and agree with that judgment. There are manifold religious books from Jewish and Christian scholars on how to live a life. Surely they should suffice? Ultimately, they can work, and do. But the basic truth that the Tanakh represents God's will more clearly, and that the Tanakh based approach to Noahidism is the most accurate understanding of religious truth for mankind remains just that - the ultimate truth. With that in mind I find no real books or movements on Karaite Noahidism available. They just haven't been done yet. Somebody, thus, has to start that, if it is ever going to be done. I find myself needing this spiritual teaching, so I've had to do it myself. Thus Haven Adamide Fellowship represents a journey and adventure in biblical faith for the majority of mankind, and here in this Rainbow Bible are assorted teachings to guide a human beings life in service and devotion to Almighty God in the name of mankind's father, Adam.








In the year 2012 CE (7DF 6176 SC), mankind has traveled along its pathway of living, going through many spiritual occurrences, yet the truth remains the same.  God Almighty is God, he is the Creator of the physical universe, and he has expectations on a way of life called 'Holiness'. This law code of 30 rules is simply a guidepost of a Torah way of life, devised for Adamides to follow and apply to their lives. It is similar to other Noahide codes devised by the Rabbis, yet its origin is clearly stated as being developed by myself for the Haven Adamide Fellowship community. I have studied Torah a great deal – and lived in the real world a long time. This is a basic code - it doesn't pretend to be overly complex – on how to live life with some essential Torah principles in mind to use as a guide on difficult issues of morality.





Rule 1

Sermon 1 of HNF IS BINDING.


Rule 2

Worshipping idols or false deities is not permitted


Rule 3

Stealing and robbing people is not permitted


Rule 4

Moving boundary markers of property is not permitted


Rule 6

Kidnapping people is not permitted


Rule 7

Poisoning food is not permitted


Rule 8

Raping women is not permitted


Rule 9

Bestiality is not permitted


Rule 10

Hurting people is not permitted


Rule 11

Practising Witchcraft is not permitted


Rule 12

Practising Astrology is not permitted


Rule 13

Practising Tarot is not permitted


Rule 14

Adultery is not permitted


Rule 15

Sexual relations with parents and siblings are not permitted


Rule 16

Speeding to fast in public in vehicles is not permitted


Rule 17

Blackmailing people is not permitted


Rule 18

Bribing people is not permitted


Rule 19

Honouring parents is encouraged


Rule 20

Lies are not permitted.  White lies for a good purpose are permitted


Rule 21

Vandalism is not permitted


Rule 22

Bullying is not permitted


Rule 21

Deriding and slandering people is not permitted


Rule 22

Charity is required in the form of paying tax to a government with welfare, or personal giving to poorer people in your own society or nation


Rule 23

Violence is never permitted


Rule 24

Sexual harassment is never permitted


Rule 25

Torture is never permitted


Rule 26

Coveting your neighbours belongings is not acceptable


Rule 27

Harming animals is not permitted.  They may be slaughtered humanely for food.


Rule 28

You must take care of the environment


Rule 29

You must show proper respect for God


Rule 30

You must abide by the rules of your nations when they are Torah faithful and not corrupt.  This does not include any 'Positives' within the Torah, but only a refrainment of negatives, if that is what your nation has judged





Psalm 1

Praise be to the God of Adam and Eve

Praise be to the Everlasting Father

Praise be to the Glorious One upon High

Praise be to God

Holiness is in the heart of man

When he chooses the right way

Praise be to God

Righteousness is in the heart of man

When he follows what is true

Praise be to God

Sense is in the heart of man

When he humbles his pride

Praise be to God

Love is in the heart of man

When he succumbs to the choice of grace

Praise be to God

Praise be to the God of Adam and Eve

Praise be to the Everlasting Father

Praise be to the Glorious One upon High

Praise be to God


Psalm 2

May the Tree of Life

Fill my soul

Making me strong

Making me whole

May the Tree of Life

Enrich me every day

Charting my course

Charting my way

Thank you God

For your spirit of Truth

Thank you God

For Everlasting Youth


Psalm 3

In the pathway of Eternal Life

Are the temptations to Sin

Yet the power to overcome

Is the repentance within

Make Law your Guide

And Love your Choice

And in the Ways of God



Psalm 4

Grace be with us all

Grace be through us all

Grace be upon us all

Grace be the heart of us all

I thank you father

For your eternal Grace

May your shine upon us always

And Show your Face


Psalm 5

Walk with God

Each Day till the End

Walk with God

On whom we depend

Walk with God

Follow his Rule

Walk with the Eternal

Let his law be your School



Psalm 6

The Origin of Creation

Begins with the Heaven and the Earth

Whereupon Man was Formed

The Origin of Creation

Begins with Night and Day

Wherewithin Man Dwells

The Origin of Creation

Captures the Heart of the Four Elements

Wherewithin Mankind Lives and Dwells and Has his Being

Without God

The Creator of Life

What is Man?

And why would God be mindful of him?

Who is but a pile of dust

Who returns to Ashes

From which he was formed

And had his being

Praise be to God

The Giver of Life

Praise be to God



Psalm 7

I thank you God

For the heart of Man

The wonder that is Woman

Who embellishes my life

As a helpmeet

A loyal partner

A trusted friend

A sacred lover

Who is the mother of my family

And my right hand on whom I rely

Thank you God

For the wonder of woman



Psalm 8

Children are a Heritage from the LORD

Thank God for gracing me with Offspring

Yet should I lack this blessing

I thank God for my parents

And whatever family I have

For the love of God

Is in the friendship of your kin

Were we have love and fellowship and good times

Sharing a meal, a conversation, a time of recreation

And life and love

And sweet and blessed harmony



Psalm 9

Dear God

Please Help me to become Moral

Please Help me to become Good

Please Help me to become Kind

Please Help me to become as you Would

Guide me in your ways Forever

Guide me in your Truth right Now

Guide me in your peace and calmness

Show me what to do and How

Teach me all Creations Wonders

Teach me all Creations Lore

Teach me all Creations Wisdom

Teach me from your holy Law

Thank you God for showing me mercy

Thank you God time and again

Thank you God the Lord of Salvation

Thank you God my Father, AMEN


Psalm 10

In the Beginning it was God

And at the end so shall it be

From eternity to forever

God exists eternally

He is sovereign in Creation

He is sovereign over us

By his power he rules forever

Both on earth and up above

Praise to God my blessed Saviour

Praise to God who cares for me

Praise to God the Lord of Glory

Praise to God eternally



Psalm 11

Almighty God of the Covenants of Mankind

To you we pray and beseech, entrust unto us your divine will

Favour us with knowledge of your eternal covenant with Mankind

And teach us forever, save us forever, and fill our hearts with the stability, peace and endurance

The Eternal Covenant of God warrants us

As faithful adherents to the core promises of God.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. AMEN.


Psalm 12

Be now, in this moment, dedicated, like no other, to at least commit the eternity of your life to God

No small thing, you say, the eternity of it all. But if you want eternal life, how will you do it without him?

Do you have the strength of forever in your heart on your own strength?

Can you guide and protect your eternal walk by your own power and wisdom from all harm?

Can you steer the way of eternal life every and each day, forever and ever and ever, and not once ever go astray from it?

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

The power of eternal life is in God's hands. Repentance makes us worthy of it.

Mastering the walk is about Repenting of sin. The power of Eternal life is in God's voice and hearing it and committing to him.




Psalm 13

Sure, God is glorious. Sure, he is great. Sure, he's the Lord Divine, cept to you he aint

Sure, God is wonderful. Sure God is brill. Sure, he's the Lord Majestic, but you don't get no thrill.

A sensible young gifted heart, sits in this congregation.

A sensible young gifted heart, thinks talking to God aint conversation.

Your far to wise to Praise the Lord.

Your far to wise to tithe.

And as for all this scripture stuff,

Well it's just a pack of lies

Ho hum Jehovah

This God he aint for me

He hum Jehovah

Please just let me be


One day a thought crossed through your mind, and nature did its part

The trees, the flowers, the birds and bees, why their a work of art

Sitting near a flowing stream, my heart it is refreshed

You hear a quiet voice which says 'Maybe I know what is best'.

Through reason, logic, thought and fact, you've known that God's not true

But something now, inside your heart, says 'Well maybe you aint too'.

A voice majestic, a voice that's brill, now entertains your days

He's clever too and points out all the silly things we say

And then one day, You know its God, who's known you all along

And spite your pride, and foolish heart, like them you sing this song

Praise to you Jehovah, You've found old silly me

Praise to you Jehovah, I was blind but now I see



Psalm 14

A Sadducee must praise God

A Sadducee must do his will

Today you say you'll serve him forever

But Tomorrow will you be serving still

To keep the faith

A soul must strive

For the spirit within

Needs God to stay alive

A Sadducee must praise God

A Sadducee must do his will

And should you refrain and say enough

Your walk with God's just standing still

Trust in God

With all thine heart

Always do Jehovah's Will

Follow the Sadducee way forever

Till 'Always Have' and 'Always Will'



Psalm 15

Peaceful Beauty

On a beach of Paradise

Resting from hard work

Good for the soul

Recovering from the stress

Of a hard life

Which has paid a toll

So rest and relax

And consider the beauty of God's creation

With the waves crashing royal thunder

Of the Holy God who made it as such

And the winds blowing and the sun shining and all Screaming Alleluia

Delighting in their beauty, made from the mind of Infinity

Who has brought forth this beauty

And has brought forth this wonder

And has brought forth this paradise

So you can rest

From your hard work

Which was good for the soul

And so you can recover from the stress

Of a hard life

Which has paid a toll

So rest and relax

And enjoy the beauty of God's creation



Psalm 16

Praise the God of Zion

Praise the God of Shiloh

Praise the God of Bethlehem

Praise the God of Shechem

Praise be to him

Whose Word is Eternal

Which guides us in love

And Guides us in truth

May you bless us Lord God Almighty

As our deeds and your justice deserve

As your mercy and grace allow

As your patience and kindness intend

And enrich the streets of Zion

And embellish the walkways of Shiloh

And enshroud the gardens of Bethlehem

And encourage the hearts of Shechem

With your eternal love

And your eternal truth

And the richness of the harvest

And the richness of our works

In your holy name



Psalm 17

The Garden of Eden

Is paradise on Earth

Yet we fell from grace

And tasted the turf

Forgive us now

Almighty God

And grant us grace

To Rise Above

And seek your name

And seek your truth

And Walk with God

Like Boaz and Ruth

And in Bethlehem

Let us find our consolation

In the harvests of the field

In the harvests of salvation

As we walk in Law

And we walk in Truth

Like Faithful Boaz

And Gentle Ruth



From Beginning

To the End


Psalm 18

The world is flux of day and night

Travelling in constant flight

From day to night and night to day

And each keeps the other always at bay

The ocean rises and tide comes in

Guided by the moon's stellar grin

The ocean falls and tide goes out

And the moon again it gives its shout

The flowers bloom in blessed light

Yet fall asleep every night

To wake again the following dawn

To sing their glory to the morn

There is a way in natures law

Which every day doth have in store

Patterns true and constant fixed

Of God's design which has no tricks

The mind of God created all

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall

The decrees of God stand since their birth

To guide each step of mother earth 


Psalm 19

A kind word spoken, is never amiss

For many are in trouble, from Mr to Miss

And hearing a saying, from a friend who does care

Can grant grace to a heart with words ever so fair

Remember to speak with love in your heart

If wrath you have spoken then do not depart

Till you smooth over a tiff, and make wrong a right

So find peace there that day, and you'll sleep well that night

The Torah gives knowledge of things you should say

Of words of true wisdom which guide you each day

Speak words of life and speak words of peace

Speak them to the great and speak them to the least

For a reputation one will inevitably earn

For every word spoken, for everything heard

From your mouth, be it wisdom, or error indeed

So speak truth with your words, in each word do take heed


Psalm 20

Let the heart of the garden of Eden show me

The way of calm natural life in my eternity

Let me swim in the waters and go with the flow

Let me walk in the meadows and rest in their growth

Let the mountains amaze me with their splendourous spires

Let the tornado bedazzle me with the wrath it inspires

May I climb up a tree and look all around

May the sea winds refresh me, yet my feet on the ground

In all of this nature, on this planet Earth

I find my own purpose, and meaning and worth


Psalm 21

Lord God

May you please bless the economies of the world

Bring neither inflation or deflation, but bring eternal price stability

Let mankind earn its wages fairly and squarely

Let mankind do a proper job for its wealth acquisition

Bless the economies to employ people

Bless the economies to give useful goods and services for mankind

Help bosses to supervise fairly

Help workers to work according to requirements

May you please bless the economies of the world





·         Obviously people are not fond of hypocrites. Sometimes though we contradict ourselves later on from things we have said earlier in life. Try and find consistency when and where you can, but obviously we mature and develop as people, so if you have to correct yourself, be humble enough to do so, and come clean and learn to be more honest and truthful with people, acknowledging your past errors and mistakes.

·         Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them if you can, but when you do, remember you are only human, and stuffing up is just a reality of life.

·         Kindness to people never really goes out of fashion, and if someone judges you harshly, why always react with a harsh word yourself? Sometimes it is just for the best to let the issue drop, let the other person have the last word, and learn to control your anger and remain calm about life and the obstacles it throws in your path.

·         There is a lot of diversity in the family of Adam and Eve. Don't expect to understand everyone and everything right away. Learn to have patience with humanity as you grow in wisdom and experience through life's hard learned lessons.

·         Not everyone wants to do it your way, so sometimes learn to do it theirs.

·         Getting along with the world and finding a decent place in it with a good reputation is generally something worth working hard to achieve. But don't sell out yourself on dearly held principles. Sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in.

·         Appearances can often be deceiving. Sometimes saints are sinners, and often the other way around. Take time learning the heart of man if you can, and see as God sees the person.

·         Don't always judge a book by its cover, but, in truth, sometimes the cover often reveals quite a lot.

·         Value your family – in tough times they are often your only true friends, and the only ones who are prepared to help you out of difficult situations.

·         Do you want the reputation of a fair-weather friend? Just someone who is only there for the good times with others? If you bear with them in their difficulties then your friendship is real, and you show that you genuinely care for them, and not just the thrill that they can offer you when times are good.

·         Using people just for what they can offer you doesn't really show much concern and love for others does it? Be real and honest with people, and learn to treat them as you would hope people would value your own life.

·         Tell the truth to God – no point in trying to lie to him anyway as he already knows – so keep communication channels open, as he is ancient in his wisdom and can guide you well throughout life.

·         In the 21st century of the Common Era, life in the Garden of Eden – planet Earth – has become a lot more complicated. Trust God to guide you through this often complex life, and it should hopefully work out well enough in the end.

·         Humanity is part of the family of Adam and Eve. Families drift apart in time as generations come and go, and we mainly stick with our immediately family of our parents and often our grand-parents. But do remember we are one big, vast family of man, and we are all ultimately kindred, all of us facing the challenges of this human existence on planet earth.

·         When one considers properly we are all descended from Adam and Eve and all ultimately related, discriminating on the basis of race, because of things like the colour of skin, or features, well, it looks a bit silly when you find out your distant cousin-ship of such people after a long time of study in the hereafter. Learn to respect your fellow men – we are all in this together.

·         Studying up on knowledge in a certain area before a formal degree course of study, to learn it well beforehand, well it obviously gives you an advantage when the formal education begins, and will far more easily help you to pass and get through your education with the qualification at the end of it all.

·         It is a true saying – you learn about life by living it – so sometimes do remember to pay attention to the lessons life is naturally teaching you, as these are your wisdom principles for eternity, and will guide you through the humdrum of everyday existence. Sometimes God is teaching you things without you even knowing he is doing it, so be aware of what is going on in your life.

·         Make your plans before you begin a project. Plan well, and take all things into consideration. You can't always account for extraordinary circumstances, but contingency measures need to be put in place for such events. Plans will succeed if they are well thought out, realistic, affordable and generally achievable in the real world. Take wise counsel, and think through things carefully.

·         Learn to manage your income through balancing your wants and needs with the costs of these things. Try and save when and where you can for more expensive items and things like holidays and other services, but in the end money is to be spent, and don't be afraid to spend a fair bit on an item if you can afford it and generally want it enough. No point in being a scrooge and denying yourself too much, but also learn restraint, and going into too much debt is never a wise option. Usually best to live within your means.

·         When a new paradigm or issue or experience enters your life, give some time to think about things relating to it properly, and don't make too rash decisions based upon these new ideas. There is a lot of wisdom in learning to sleep on an issue, as in the morning you often think a lot more conservatively and wisely on issues.

·         Sometimes a dream tells us what we really need to know and crystalizes in symbolic form the truth of many a situation.

·         Some people will betray you at the drop of a hat, and some people will stand by you when the whole world is against you. Be loyal to your real friends because of it, and with others who are flakes, well, in all honesty, sometimes bridges need to be burned, and some people are not worth having in your life, no matter how impressive they might seem to you.

·         Foolish people speak their mind easily and this we know well. But sometimes you have just got to speak your mind if you are well researched on a subject, as the fool needs someone to oppose them, and better the well educated and considered thinker's view prevail rather than the know-it-all loud mouth, who just gets their way because nobody really wants to protest.

·         Consider your ways in life and review them regularly. At times you might reflect, with greater experience, that things you are doing you perhaps you shouldn't be doing, and that they way you have always done things can perhaps be done differently or improved upon.

·         Remember you are only human, so when you make mistakes, unless they are quite callous, give yourself a break and know that nobody is quite perfect yet.

·         You learn about life by living it, so at least commit to living life and choosing life, because while you might find it hard and depressing at some points, persevere, because experience is a valuable teacher, and you can cope better later on in life after the trials of your heart have strengthened you for the fight of life.

·         People can be stubborn, so don't expect everyone to agree with you, and thus make the best of bad situations, and get along as best you can.

·         If you really have the truth sometimes you damn well do need to express it. So make a noise if you must, but it can be embarrassing if you are proven dead wrong.

·         Look before you leap which really means have a good think about new situations, and be prepared for what they might throw at you.

·         As it has been said fools rush in, but as it has also been said faint heart never won fair lady.

·         It has often been said that people don't care what you know till they know how much you care. But this isn't always true. Sometimes people aren't looking for the best of friendships from you, as they might be content in life, so, using wisdom, sometimes, if you have something to say, just blurt it out. At least it has been said and has provided food for thought.

·         God created the world. He knows how it works. He knows the systems of life, and the processes of human thought in our minds. God knows. To worship or believe in another deity, which are all ultimately false, is irrational thinking in the end. God provides enough witness in mankind to the truthfulness of biblical faith should the searcher of truth really yearn for an issue on the crucial issues of human origins and moral meaning in life. God can be known. Idolatry ignores the truth of Almighty God, and is never a wise choice if the spirit pricks your conscience and is trying to lead you on to a better understanding of human existence.

·         Respecting your parents is a natural thing which humans normally do if raised well. We should respect our parents, and ultimately, the great grand parent of humanity also, God himself. Living a life with proper respect of authority and others will show a life approved of, and one which gets along better in life.

·         Hurting people is never much fun for the people who have to suffer the wrath of others. A cardinal precept of civic law is that it aims to protect citizens from being harmed by others. That is wise and sensible, so you have a right to be protected from harm, and a responsibility to also not harm others.

·         Fidelity to the marriage bed keeps away Vds, bastard children, and jealous husbands who often show their anger at adulterous wives and their lovers.

·         If you like your neighbours car, at least let your neighbour enjoy it in peace, and save up your own money and buy a similar model from the car salesman to enjoy for yourself. Coveting your neighbours stuff never really makes you terribly popular.

·         You like owning nice things and having them kept safe, right? Well so does everyone else. Remember that before you go out and, with slight of hand, 'borrow permanently' that item of your buddies you've had your eye on for ages.

·         Forbidden fruit is so tasty, and goes down so well, but it has a bitter seed, which leaves you in no doubt about what just went down.

·         Save your finances, and spend according to a carefully monitored budget, for overcoming the obsession with belongings needs financial control, and strength to resist the desire to buy and buy and buy. If you never stop spending, you will find yourselves with lovely things, indeed, but the bigger picture will suffer, and you might never own that home, and often, when debts become high, around comes the debt collector, and takes what you own, simply because interest is costing you a repayment which you simply can't afford. Kill the habit, learn discipline, and live within your means. Credit isn't free – it costs you in the end, more than you could ever really afford anyway.

·         Discipline your children and tell them life isn't a fairy tale, and if they want to cruise around upon reaching adulthood, let them know the party will only go on so long, and if they don't sort things out properly and find some sort of occupation and career in life, they will be on that couch permanently, watching daytime TV, eating fast food, getting fat, ultimately living in shoddy govvie flats, and standing in Social Security queues, bitching on about how your ex left you, and that you aren't as good looking as you were in your teens. And its mostly down hill from there.

·         Diet well, by eating fruits and vegetables. Too many pizzas, too many chocolate bars, too many ice cream desserts, and you will be a big blob, not terribly attractive to the opposite sex, and watching TV commercials on weight loss aids, which you have longingly desired to try, but your motivation is hopeless now, and you just reach for that pack of Tim Tams under the couch. Eat sensibly.




The First Sermon


And as you chart your eternal destiny, keep in mind those things you learned from the start. Trust in God and follow his Rule. Let your heart never succumb to temptation to sin, and follow diligently what you know to be true. Seek good standing with your fellow man, and likewise show him and her the grace warranted them. Be at peace in your heart, in your household and in your family. Keep the faith always, and walk forever in partnership with God and his people. The life ahead is eternal if you judge it righteously by the established pathways of true and accurate knowledge and true and accurate spirituality. The point is to find eternity in your heart, and if there are things which whisper against this, seek them out, challenge them, for in the end they are shallow temptations, yielding no enduring peace. Walk with God, be at peace, and may the Grace of Eternal El Shaddai watch over your comings and goings this time forth and forever. AMEN.


The Second Sermon

What is 'Torah' and what is 'Scripture'?

Torah means, in general, 'Teaching'. In Jewish tradition, the primary teaching is the written Torah, the Chumash, the Pentateuch, the 5 books of Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy, the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. Yet, in the 'Advancing Noah Movement' we firmly believe as one of our paradigms in the continuity of history and the unfolding of more of the 'Tree of Knowledge'. The Tree of Knowledge is seen as the body of knowledge that mankind learns from era to era, and as the era's progress, that body of knowledge naturally grows. The 'Tree of Knowledge' of mankind is 'TORAH'. The various study books on science and history and literature and language and music and all the various branches of knowledge form the overall vast 'Tree of Knowledge' that mankind has accumulated since the beginning. On this Tree are 'Billions' of pieces of fruit now, and you have to be wise and discerning in life to see what fruit you acquire, because the earthly life is the only time you will be able to gain this fruit which establishes your rights on this delectable commodity. The library down the road from me, with all its various books, is a current 'Tree of Knowledge' and a current 'Torah' for my district. The online available websites of the Internet are an 'International Torah'. Now, when does Torah become Scripture? In our view, when it is largely factual, or if it is fictive, when it displays morality and decency, when it has some use of purpose to accomplish things which are beneficial in nature, and when it does not promote evil. In general, for example, a science textbook of reasonable merit would be deemed as 'Mankind's Torah of Knowledge' by ourselves, part of the vast Tree of Knowledge. The quality of the work is of natural importance, which is something which defines its scriptural and Torah like worthiness. For 7DF, Knowledge of Society in the Branches of Human Knowledge and Understanding our Academic Libraries express are our 'Torah's of Society and Civilization' and they are much valued and respected in the eyes of our movement.
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 
Canberra, Australia, 27 August 6177 SC (updated calendar date) / 27 August 2014 CE


The Third Sermon


There are many teachings on spirituality. There are websites and books which abound on the subject. For many a higher power is called upon, but many want to be spiritual without necessarily believing in God.

Spirituality is finding a soul, a spirit within us, which is what our true self is in many ways, more than just the exterior which hides how much goodness we want to show the world. We are not perfect beings, and our bodies are not perfect bodies. But love and friendliness are perfect attitudes, and how can we not show respect and grace to those who show us love? Spirituality comes with age, also. The more we mature and find the purpose of life in our own living journey, the more spiritual we often become. Dry and hard souls can often be surprised as they age at the gentle touch of the divine as it sanctifies our life and shows that inwardly is a beautiful person being born anew each day, a person we have always longed to become, who life is forming within us, giving us what we need, as we turn away from the childish sins of youth, and turn to the growth of spiritual and loving care. When we mature, we inevitably grow spiritually. And all of us must become spiritual in time. Surely that is the destiny of the eternal which longs to share itself with our hearts. But beware dark spirituality. For often many are led astray from the light of love and truth.


The Fourth Sermon



It is not always within us, a certain desire, to sit down, shut up and just wait things out. We long to get on with it, to get the result we want and need, and we often don't care if we cause harm or anxiety to others along the way, because we need to get the damn thing done. Sometimes, we blithely just go about chores and other things, happy in our own little world of self improving realities, were we congratulate ourselves for doing our tasks and accomplishing things when, if we just exhibited a little patience, and let the natural rate of the task accomplish itself, indeed, at its most natural rate, we could smell the roses that much more beautifully, have the time to talk to a family member as we go about things, even perhaps sit down, and chat for a while, or have the time to think through that problem issue that has been bugging you and get a proper solution, instead of rumbling about like a bull in a china shop, bugging family members to lift their feet so you can 'get the vacuuming bloody done' and all sorts of tasks which 'must be done immediately'. You need a little patience, as it takes a little time sometimes to get the best results in life. You could rush that pizza along out of the oven and think, yeh its cooked enough, but you might end up with lukewarm cheese, and a taste which is not exactly mouth-watering. You could go ahead with that renovation project early, before the wife gets home to chat, and she ends up hissing at you, complaining that everything is wrong, and insists you change it all, at your own expense as well. You could rush off to the store to collect the groceries which your online order said were ready to collect, but you were in such a rush you failed to notice it said after 9:00 AM TOMORROW, and not that afternoon. Whatever it is, you can't rush life. You need some patience. Good things come to those who wait and often it is just that those good things have been timed correctly, have been served upon with patience properly, and have matured to the exact level of maturity required for the outcome at the right time and right place. It all happens in a natural way, and an Adamide should follow the natural order and flow in natural patience with things. Don't rush it. Let it happen at its own pace. Best results come to those who are not impatient and anxious, but trust in the regularity of life and things happening in their own time. Learn patience, my friend. Learn patience.


The Fifth Sermon


Radiating that kind of spirit you may have seen, in earlier years, which captured your heart for a moment, a spirit which you felt at peace with and which just seemed to say to your heart 'Why do you fret so much?'. Calmness. Serenity. Peace. A spirit which, when you have gotten yourself into trouble of sorts, or which pervades your life, so it seems, incessantly, you react to at once and find, even jealously, that it is wonderful and just what the doctor ordered. A perfectly lovely spirit of calmness. It's like, you are in a conflict situation, arguing with someone, and there is suddenly that level head, that smooth voice, which you instantly connect to, which brings the tension out of the situation with soft words and a calm demeanour and an authority which you just seem to naturally respect. And, suddenly, the conflict is resolved, and you feel less afraid and less worried. You see, we all need calmness in our lives, and often there are times when we really know this. That it is turmoil and anxiety within and we can't find that peace of mind we seek. Calmness is the antidote, in many ways, to the chaotic lifestyles we often find ourselves caught up in. If we can take the time to 'smell the roses' as it were, and just be at peace with society and creation, if we can take the time to put on that relaxation music instead of that thunder bopping rock and roll album, if we can take the time to call 'Time out' from the kids fights and put them in separate spaces for a moment, and go off to our 'quiet zone' and chill, if we can, whenever we are faced with a turmoil which agitates, try and find a bit of peace and calmness, and reflect on gentle things, those things of peace which make us happy, and maybe even sit down with a spiritual book on reflections and find our hearts peace, life will work so much better for us. Calmness can be prayed for, and the more you study Torah the more you will naturally grow in the ways of peace over time. Repentance – turning from aggravating ways and your own inclinations to argue with everyone – can lead to inner peace and, in time, you yourself could be radiating the kind of spirit that you are so jealous of in others. Calmness is a reward for a soul which has agreed that it doesn't always want to live at 'Action Central Station' and is happy to find time in life for peaceful, calm and content ways, were the 'Heat of the Day' is left to bubble alone on its own strength, for you have found some time out and are chilling with the spirit and enjoy some peace and quiet of your own.


The Sixth Sermon

Gaining Employment in a Modern World

They often say what you really need is experience. But, to me, what you really need is a good education first and foremost, because unless you know the deeper roots and ideas of an occupation or pastime, advancing at it, going up the ladder in your chosen industry, achieving good, real and lasting success, will not very easily be accomplished. Learn a lot. When you are young study hard at school and TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Parents, encourage this in your children. Explain to them that in the real world, which they will join soon enough, it is a tough, demanding and competitive place, and relying on mum and dad's purse-strings to always get you out of trouble might not always be that easy. Yes, we definitely need to be able to always have a support available for our offspring when push comes to shove, and a good society needs a good welfare system, just in case of troublesome times. But you shouldn't think this is what you need to rely on. You need a spirit of endeavour within you, which pursues a life with a passion, and educates itself on the principles of that life, especially in relation to your occupation, which is one of the fundamental ways a decent income is obtained. Study a lot. Watch educational TV programs a lot and read a lot of books on various things as your life develops. In fact, you really should commit to lifelong learning. And when schooling years are finished, and tertiary education looms, you really need to have worked out what you want to study and, when you have, don't be half hearted in pursuing that education. In fact, study like your life depends on it, for, in a competitive world we often sink or swim with how much academic success we have gained in the end anyway. Your finding it difficult to choose exactly the right thing? You know a secret I have learned. There really isn't one in the end. Not just one right thing for you. There are options. Always options. And the secret is this – just MAKE A CHOICE in the end, and when you do, STICK TO IT LIKE ABSOLUTE CRAZY AND PUSH YOURSELF TO THE ABSOLUTE LIMITS OF YOUR ENDURANCE in learning this field or fields of endeavour and leave no stone unturned to be the best you can be, and to learn all you can learn in your chosen field. Why be an amateur? Be an expert. Be the best in the business. Don't settle for second best – BE NUMBER ONE. Gaining employment in a modern world needs careful grooming and good clothing choices appropriate for your work environment. Good manners always help, but in blokey and relaxed sort of work forces don't be afraid to get along and talk the talk and chow down with your work mates if you have to. GET ALONG. Be one of the guys and one of the girls and, if you can, set an example of mateship and friendliness with them. And, if you wish to choose a career as your own entrepreneur GET ALONG WITH ANY EMPLOYEES and TREAT THEM WELL. Care for them as your own. Think about their fortunes and lives and what they want for success in life. HAVE A POSITIVE AND GOOD ATTITUDE IN ALL THINGS AND PAY A LOT OF ATTENTION TO PROCEDURES AND PROTOCOLS AND MINOR DETAILS. The real principle in the end is hard work, reliable work, faithful and committed work and sticking with it through the long haul. Gaining employment in the modern world is about putting in a genuine effort, and not selling yourself short on things you neglected which really were and are necessary for your chosen occupations. In essence – APPLY YOURSELF TO THE TASK AT HAND.


The Seventh Sermon

The Life of the World to Come and the Resurrection of the Dead by 2020

I prayed for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come to advent on January 4th this year (2015ce/6178sc). The time wasn't quite yet right, and people still need to finish some of their works off. I am now 'rolling my prayers over' and asking God (Dear God, by your grace) that the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come will now advent on January 4th next year instead, January 4, 2016ce/January 4, 6179sc. If it doesn't happen next year, I will keep the prayers prayed and roll it over again till the January 4 date the following year also. And so on if necessary. But I have a hunch its soon. I once suggested 2020 as the date of the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. So I will definitely keep on asking God for it to occur, and will pray fervently till 2020 if necessary. Hopefully it will occur before that date, but for now, believing it may potentially or possibly be true, and that my biblical faith may indeed be correct, and the book of Daniel's prophecies ultimately true, I will continue to ask in faith for this to occur. This Rainbow Bible is full of doubts and questions over whether such a thing will occur, or won't occur, and both way of looking at it are considered. But, for now, I shall pray the 4th of January date for each year, and especially for 2020 if it hasn't happened in the meantime. We shall see soon enough either way. AMEN


The Eighth Sermon

Following Jehovah

A purpose in life, if you don't know, if you have lived a life so far, not really questioning, but going with the flow somewhat, a purpose in life, well, really, perhaps the main purpose in life, when it



comes right down it, is to find the one, the ineffable, the mysterious, the grand impossible, the Almighty God, who created and designed and gave life to it all. Just a purpose? No, not really. In fact, it is perhaps THE purpose, really, until you know better and how to live your life according to sound principles of holiness. God doesn't exactly have to be the centre of it all when you are experienced enough in eternity principles, able to chart your way successfully through an eternal life. No, he doesn't have to be the absolute centre, which can be used on whatever your ultimate passions in life really are. But he damn well needs to be your top advisor and instructor at the very least if he is not going to be Almighty Consuming Passion. Jehovah is their to guide you and lead you if you will follow him. If you want an arm wrestle of pride in 'I live my life by my own choices and decisions' go right ahead, because he probably won't care to argue very much, unless a faithful mother has spent years in prayer on your behalf. Yes, if you insist on the doctrines of self, indeed, go ahead. A lot of the time those doctrines are quite good ones anyway. But what surprises do you have for a God who has been around since the beginning of humanity? Are you going to teach him something he doesn't already know? God is a vast reservoir of experience and wisdom and, as he has already existed eternally, who better than Jehovah to place your trust in to deliver you to the shores of eternal life? Following Jehovah is your choice, but doing it, and committing to him, is not an unwise choice, even if your pride sometimes gets in the way. In fact its a wise choice because, often as he grinds you over the guilt trips of repentance, you might really not like the way you are being treated very much but, when you come through the trial on the other side, you start to understand the wisdom of eternity through the strengths, truths and virtues he has fostered into your heart, and begin understanding that following Jehovah is not really anywhere as lame as the politically correct or the 'cool' kids make out it to be anyway.


The Ninth Sermon

Stability and maturity comes with time and patience

The Jehovah's Witnesses are often called a cult. The reality, though, is that as time passes and more and more people are baptised as members of the Philadelphia and Watchtower and Tract Society, the 'Spirit' of the organisation learns greater and greater stability and, through older members (especially in the heavenlies) greater maturity. Yet this is true for not only the Jehovah's Witnesses, but the Christadelphians and Mormons as well, and those others who may have been labelled cults. These organisations continue to grow historically, and more and more committed members come along and, as the years come and go and as the decades come and go and even as the centuries now come and go, organisations such as these stabilize, mature and earn their place amongst the legitimate religious assemblies of mankind. Catholicism, now, has quite an old spirit. If you ever really do attend a Catholic Mass and you get involved with things catholic for a while, and visit various churches and cathedrals, you will sense a deep and thoughtful and conservative spirit in this church. It is old and makes its decisions with great forethought and patience. This is what each denomination of Christianity is in the process of gradually earning, as they mature and go the distance and build their memberships. Judaism, also, has done this for a very long time now, and Islam, a new member of the pack compared with the older monotheisms, is based on similar principles. In time, I feel, you will find the extremist element of Islam gradually dissipate as they mature and let go of the need for so much passion in the defence of their faith. They will grow and mature with members and numbers, which gradually weighs them down to a spirit of stability and regularity. Noahidism is ancient, but in many respects we are just emerging as a faith now. But with wisdom and patience in what our movement learn and teach, and attempting to follow God properly, with a commitment as eternal as the rainbow, may we too last and be a boon to mankind, and find that spiritual home and salvation which the other monotheisms have also provided for for so long now as well. AMEN.


The Tenth Sermon

Keeping the Faith

Keeping the faith is easy for an afternoon after you have committed your life to God and agreed to amend your lifestyles. By evening you have positively convinced yourself you will be the greatest of all the saints for all time to come, such is the definite truth of your conversion. You wake cursing your parents, arguing all day, and swearing at your brothers and sisters all morning and afternoon. Great commitment, huh? Keeping the faith is not a walk in the park. It is neither a temporary training regime to get fit for a while for a competition, but letting it all go afterwards. Keeping the Faith with Jehovah God is about a commitment. A commitment to endure not just for a day or a week, or even a pretty committed year of worship. It's your life, and after that IT'S FOREVER. Keeping the Faith is about keeping the faith. Not letting go of the faith. And it is about keeping something precious and something worthwhile and, if necessary, protecting that and keeping it from being stolen by hostile competitors in false religions who are preying on your soul to boost their numbers and finances. The faith of the truth of Almighty God is something precious and something worth keeping, and worth keeping for ALL eternity. It is not a temporary rush, a bout with a cool idea, something to ponder and consider and move on from. No, its forever. That is what God is – that is what he wants from you. Adamide faith is about the principles of the Torah being kept by all interested peoples, and being kept forever. It is about those Torah rules and lifestyle commitments which are meant to be kept in our hearts, cherished, kept with a vital faith of commitment for the long haul. Not just the holiday weekend spiritual retreat love you God, then back to the real world kind of thing. Keeping the faith means just that – keeping the faith. NOT letting it go. So, if you are really going to keep the faith as a member of the Adamide community, at least Keep it and MEAN it. Don't let it go as something trivial if you really have made a commitment, which is what we are all about in the end anyway. AMEN.


The Eleventh Sermon

You're not Jewish, but Judaism sort of represents God's ideas of a Holy Life

Ok. You know, in the end, you're never really going to be up for circumcision, as you like your pecker left alone thank you very much, but you kinda get the point from God that he has sort of expectations on the kind of life you really should be living for him when it all comes down the line. No, he probably does not expect legalistic observance of every aspect of the Torah lifestyle from you as an Adamide, but get serious. You can't be a schmuck about it in the end, can you? It's like stealing. It's sort of kinda hard to be really sure if it is even addressed in the early parts of scriptures, because there just doesn't really seem to be any explicit command forbidding it, but you know, he judges our hearts, so can we really expect to get away with those shitty lifestyle choices? Guilt. On the heart. You know. It answers the questions on sin you might have for God when a law directed at you is absent. You should know. He's pricking your conscience. But if he isn't, then perhaps he wants you to check out the Tanakh and, more than that, ask the fundamental questions. Are these rules any Good? Do they work? Do they make you holy? Is it worthwhile living a holy life? Our faith does not try and forcefeed you the Tanakh and Torah way of life. But, in our movement, you know, if you are serious, the pastor should be sort of pointing out to you that this is what we are sort of on about, in a round about kind of way my dear friend. We are never absolutely commanded to put into practice the laws of the Torah, but that's not why you joined this group. You joined it because you want to be in a pro-Torah environment, which is not necessarily absolutely legalistic about every damn point of the Law, but does sort of get the point that you can't go around being 'Sodomite Central' and expect everything to be fine and dandy and smelling roses with the Big Kahuna all the time. Unlimited codes of what you could call an acceptable 'Way of Life' based on this or that list of laws chosen from the Torah can indeed be made. The Rabbis, it seems to me, have already had a few go's at defining what applies to Adamides. And, in the end, there is nothing really wrong with doing that. Teaching the code as the absolute fundamental will of God and that it is the ultimate revelation of all Adamide truths, well, there might be a few who query you on that supposed epiphany. But a sensible, even personally derived code of law, from the Torah-Tanakh, can always be a good way to go, and is indeed a sensible suggestion for our adherents to consider. It's not rocket science in the end. It's simply about laws which make sense, and putting sensible ones into practice. You're not really Jewish, you don't really want to sell out on your own culture either, but you do love God or admire him, and you realize you need some of his rules. And that is what Torah Faith is all about. AMEN.

The Twelfth Sermon


What do you need passion for? What does passion accomplish? Is being zealous about something really going to accomplish much? In fact, if you have a bit of passion in life for something, often you will work a lot harder for that passion, commit more time to it and commit more of your life's resources to it. It can even become a major focus or preoccupation in your life. Passions can be healthy, especially a focus on spiritual things. But, even especially on spiritual things, don't misfocus your passion. Going off, joining a religion, putting your heart and soul into it, and being passionate about it is not really a great thing if, later on, you have found out you don't really believe that anymore, and in fact find what you were into was really not good news, but a whole bunch of bad. Misplaced passion – misplaced effort – and you might have used up some of the really enthusiastic spirit and motivation in your life on a vain cause. It can sometimes be hard then, to ever really have the passion to focus again on a more enlightened revelation, especially if you found your life devoted for years to a truth that you simply no longer believe as just that – a truth. Passion, in such an example, needs to be tempered. And tempered by prudence and tempered by caution. Prudent enough to think you might not yet have all the answers or correct knowledge on a situation, and cautious enough not to get too carried away, even if you believe yourself infallibly enlightened. In the real world, or in reality, the mainstream society we are often part of, people often really like passion in others. And sometimes others just mock it or disdain it. Some of us, truly, are conservative souls, preferring a far more sedate and moderate approach to things, rather than running hurly burly headfirst into the latest doctrine, the latest trend, the latest scene or the latest get rich scheme. Passion is great, in areas of knowledge you are already secure upon and well established within. And, on spiritual things, really make sure you are in the truth, because I fear so many lives will be apprehensive at meeting the throne of judgement, full of passion for what they had fought to be true, but finding themselves well short of that mark and, potentially, with some great explaining to do for things they claimed were true and, in fact, were not. In this sense, choose your passions carefully. And, perhaps, the greatest of all of passions targets – romance. If you are a passionate person, and really want to impress that special someone, it can be great to come on strong, and sometimes that is really appreciated. But sometimes it is exactly the opposite, and you can lose a bit of your reputation as a 'loverboy' or a 'chauvinist', and for women labels such as 'Harlot' and 'Slut' really probably should be avoided if possible. Sure, it is great, in the end, to be people of passion. But sometimes, for the sake of caution and wisdom, you really need to temper that passion, and think a lot more carefully about what you say, do and preach to others in general.


The Thirteenth Sermon

The Five Books of Moses

It becomes apparent from reading 'Who Wrote the Bible?' by Richard Elliott Friedman that the absolutist idea of Mosaic authorship of the whole Chumash is unreasonable. But what do we conclude? Do we throw the baby out with the bathwater? No. We don't. The Torah – the Written Torah – stands, and has stood, the test of time. And the written Torah was the heart of the ancient Sadducee sect. And for this Modern Day Sadducee movement of Noahide impulse, yet open to figures of Israelite standing should they choose to join, the written Torah stands, ultimately, and perhaps ironically, regardless. It's a matter of continuity of faith, more prominent in what defines us, rather than primacy of historical factual detail of original Mosaic authorship of the strands within. We accept the Torah as our guide. We learn from it, uphold its central moral teachings and authority, and look to it as the Word of God to guide us from generation to generation. Its not so much whether its absolutely the direct communication of Yahweh in every detail that motivates this movement – it is rather we have an undoubtable faith that Yahweh kicked the whole thing off in the first place and that, be it Ezra or someone else who concluded the matter of Moshe's ponderings, we uphold the tradition of observance, relevant to covenantal status, and the light of the Kingdom of Priests shines to us from generation to generation regardless of exact original status of this section of JEPD or that section of JEPD. And why? Because, in the end, its the word of Israel regardless, and they were trained well enough in the pathways of divine call and moral, that we have judged the word, which has lasted over two millennia since canonisation so far, as worthy of unchanging devotion by our movement, unchanging acceptance as the primary text of spiritual study and authority and the motivator for our spiritual halakah of life each and every day we call upon the living God. In a sense, we don't need to really know how exactly it reflects God's mind and will – we know well enough that it carries his fingerprints, and that it suffices us for study and application, as it has done so for many others in many generations previously. It is the Sadducee book. It is the Sadducee scriptures. And while we in this world not yet of the world to come, should it eventuate, do not know for sure just what else of the Tanakh they did or did not uphold, we affirm the Torah as a primacy of our spiritual teaching, and while we may approach it from liberal to orthodox ways of practice and reception, we uphold it as the vital Word of what is to guide this movement this time forth and, by the will of God, evermore. AMEN.


The Fourteenth Sermon

Do Not Murder

A mitzvot of wisdom that we know so well, and all of us obey, we tell ourself. We never like to think, as we walk with God, that we would ever kill anyone. Surely such a thing is beyond this gentle soul that God knows so well. Yet even the gentlest and most godfearing of men can find a place, in a temptation of a trial, were they find a jealous spirit, sparked by the power of sin, which can lead astray, and make the very impossible possible. Killing someone really kind of hurts that soul. You know. Wouldn't like it to happen to you? Would you? Walking along, minding your own business, and out comes jealous jack and knocks you off for that insult the other day. Wouldn't be nice, would it? So remember, as you gaze into your inner soul in those times of reflection, has the servant of God's heart really put to death that arrogant and proud spirit within that can still rise to the challenge and the heckle, and do things it never thought it could. It's a work, and while you may congratulate yourself often at you well earned and hard earned repentance, remember dangerous dave lies within, ready to get out the axe and cut off that bastards head, cause he really pissed me off. Thank God there's no death penalty for murder, right? And if the laws suddenly changed, or you ended up in Texas? Murder is perhaps the greatest of impolite actions. Sorry about that chief – didn't mean to knock off your brother. He was just in the way, and I was kind of in a rush. Don't worry. I'm sure you've got another one. Get the point, buddy. Murder is a big sin, and while Cain resented his own brother, in this modern day and age of a modern day Sadducee, we really should know well by now just how wicked and evil killing an innocent soul really is. And they don't even have to be that innocent for it still to be murder, you know. Even if there a bad ass mutha, unless they have a contract on their head, murder is murder. And God says don't do it. It's hate, its hurting someone in the most fundamental and absolute of ways, and its horrendous to deal with in society and the biggest of all wreckers of societal harmony and bliss. Root out that man who says to you in your heart 'I could never do it' and replace it with the man who says 'Ok, I'm now humbler than the deepest trench of the pacific ocean, so I kinda get the point buddy – I'm a man of peace. And it's just not in me anymore.' Find peace – cement it like rock forever in your heart, and love those people out there with quite a bit more than 'Howdy Mate' and you will find the temptation to kill someone, a real evil, dissipate each and every day you take God's Torah seriously and realize just how horrible it is to take a life. AMEN


The Fifteenth Sermon

Avoid that Blood

Blood is nasty business. Gushing out everywhere. Kill that animal, yep, you gotta – your hungry right. Now there is all that delicious blood, and the Vampire in you just wants to hook in and howl all night long. But the sane human residing in the majority of your soul just says 'Yuck'. It's life. In that red stuff. The life of the creatures. Plasma, blood cells, oxygen, all that stuff. But it's life, which carries that oxygen around the body, and enlivens the being. And God says you can't eat it, because its the life of the beast, and in the grand book of divine truths housed in the heavenlies we have all the answers on what exactly and why all that means in rationale terms, but putting it bluntly, as its a decree of sorts we might not fully comprehend, we don't eat the stuff. It's a rule. An ancient rule. And it has its roots in the covenant of Noah, so its really universal. We might, in some ways, be taking the life of a creature into us, and that might be a perverted form of some bestiality principle but, regardless, we don't do it. We just don't. Do not eat the blood of a creature, drain it properly, and in Orthodoxy make sure of that absolutely, but biblically just make sure you've got that sucker all well and truly bled before you fry up and tuck in. Blood of a creature, of an animal, is not kosher, for Noahides or Abrahamides or Israelides. So for a modern day Sadducee movement it ends up being one of the foundational principles, as the Noahide biblical code really is, of observance by all this particular community of Torah faith. Blood sausage – an interesting question, cause perhaps its quite dead by the time we go to devour it, but for the doctrine of this assembly, should I choose to be its spiritual dictator in a way, is the general principle best not to touch such stuff either. In general, then, avoid that blood. It's a spiritual cleanliness thing, and by avoiding the eating of the blood of an animal we stay a degree spiritually purer and cleaner, also affected by other biblical ideas on cleanliness as well, but avoiding blood is most likely a big one when it all comes down. It's sort of confronting stuff to many a connoisseur who, despite being well aware that the great chefs of Master Chef and My Kitchen rules often like the steak a bit red and rare, much of the rest of us, when going out for the night on the down and the big restaurant really need it quite well done, and 'No Red' is one of the main requirement in our meat. Me to – I really need a well done steak before I am prepared to tuck in. Always been like that anyway – just don't like the thought of undercooked meat in many ways. No, we perhaps might not fully grasp the divine wisdom of the exactitude of why this law is such a big deal to be fundamental to the rainbow covenant, but it is, and that is just the way it is I guess. We don't eat blood, we drain the animal completely of it and, for Noahides, its pretty much the main kosher rule which does apply to our meat eating, and for the observant Jew its a fundamental also.


The Sixteenth Sermon

Paradise Lost

It's a stark lesson. You come to life, and live in a garden which provides for all you need, and a mate is given to you, and you are alive, and life is wonderful, and vibrant and truly a living alive experience. You eat wonderful fruit, are passionate with your lover, and everything is new and exciting. This is life. It is amazing. And then there is a temptation, and it is wonderful, because having knowledge of the divine things of your heavenly creator, the God figure, who has been teaching you and guiding you, well, how can you say no to that offer? So you don't say no, and take up that Serpent on that most demanding offer of lovely fruit, which is that one thing you are not supposed to have, so obviously it must be the best fruit of all. Something which is highly desirable. And you take the fruit offered, and you eat, and then you know it. Your naked, and there are new weird thoughts, and you kind of know you have sinned, and when God shows up, you hide, because you are embarrassed, and you fear his anger. And while he is not that angry, he gives you that look, and you know you have stuffed up, and that there is a price to pay. A terrible price to pay. And that price is what you have been enjoying, paradise, now lost to you, and you are going to have to learn about the good things in life, and how you lose them, the hard way. And God kicks you out of paradise, and tells you its cursed where you are going, and when you see the angel drawing his sword, and not letting you back into the good life, and you see the kind of life you are getting, you are full of regret, and probably some bitterness, and you know you have stuffed up, and you keep telling yourself time and time again, what a fool I have been. That, of course, is what happened, to varying degrees, to our father and mother, Adam and Eve. But it is something in that lesson we need to learn also, for it is eternally relevant. You might be in a society which has mostly worked it out, and looks blissful, and is truly paradise. But that tempter is still in business, and if you listen to that voice of rebellion, and take of that fruit yet again, and walk down the pathways of sin, and enjoy that delicious forbidden fruit, remember – the mighty can fall – and don't expect your own dear soul to be impervious to the wrath of sin either. The cure to life is eternally the same. It is that God who walks around in the garden, and talks to you, and reminds you to listen to his voice and obey his rule, it is that God you need to learn to listen to, because as life goes on those rules remain eternally relevant, not to disobey God, and to do what he says, and be decent and lawful sort of of people. For the judgment was exile once, from paradise, and later, for a latter generation, it was destruction in a flood. So do remember those lessons, that sin has its reward, and as delightful as the temptation may be, it is never, ever, worth it in the end. Never.


The Seventeenth Sermon

Rule Britannia

It is clear, apparent and true, that the legacy of the Celtic peoples endure to this day.  Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Isle of Man, as well as Cornwall and Bretony, are enduring cornerstones of Celtic culture.  The old ways live on in the heart and spirit of the people, and the music of the Celt lives still, in reel and jig, undaunted by modern progressive rock and roll, still daring to keep arms by side, still not succumbing to the groovy love of freethinking libertarians.  And wherefore wast this liberty born?  I can’t claim to know with absolute certainty, but Rock and Roll is no British invention, nor of the fair Isles of Britain and Ireland.  It is the new world which honours the more seductive delights of Jezebel, and the new world which has created a great feast of Babylon’s new intoxications.  And this is indeed true.  But Anglia and Normandy found home, and Albion thrived in time in new blood.  1066 was established, and merely half a century from now a millennia unconquered shall be its proud reward.  For the new blood has integrated with the druid’s own peoples, and the cross influenced many, and a civilization was born.  And that civilization has ENDURED.  And it will do so, perpetually.  But something happened to the fair maiden who left our shores not that many centuries past, for she becried her liberty, but indulged therein.  And her wrath affects the world each and every day in this brave new world of the Global Village.  Hollywood will speak its piece, and it doth not care who it offends, for it knows in its heart the power of the love it represents.  Free from judgment, free from law, free from, frankly, sense.  You were born that way baby, and if you really think that, which you do, is it not amazing how lady liberty weeps now at what she no longer calls liberty, but transgression of mercy’s patience.  It is a joke.  The new world settlers left the clan, they left the family, they abandoned their heritage, they winged and moaned because we had a king, but installed their own president anyway.  Hypocrisy?  Pot calling kettle black to me, dear sir.  If one really wants to stand on the scriptures, and cite this and that violation, and be proven correct time and time again by the chanting crowd of onlookers who revel in your manifestly brilliantly inspired speech, all well and good.  But the proof is in the pudding, and in time charlatans are revealed.  Nay, the grass is not greener on the other side of the valley.  Because if you don’t have the strength of character to endure the harsh lectures of authority in the end you will kneel at Jezebel’s feet, and kiss them, and agree to serve her carnal desires, which is exactly what is happening in the good old USA every day in this 21st century of the modern era.  It was nothing but a winge, in the end, to do their own thing, and have their own play at power, and gain their own viewpoints on things, and do it their way.  They didn’t give the slightest damn about family values and family loyalties and sticking with the shield of honour each clan bore, and defending the crown, and being noble and chivalrous.  They couldn’t care less. And what came of their freedoms?  A culture watered down in banality, of second rate quality, whose intellectuals are reasonable, but it takes a nation 4 times the size of Albion to still compete somewhat.  The cream may be at the top, but the schloss is thick and fast, and the more you dumb it down the more they like it.  And when will all this madness end?  It likely won’t.  They are hellbent – literally.  Determined to stay their course, and let freedom run rampant, and embrace the modern trends, indeed defining them, and progressing away into sin and service to the harlot.  It is what they choose in independence, to reject the stability of the Empire, strictly run, which it needed to be, and do their own thing, and party it down in the good old U S of A.  The American Dreams won’t last forever.  Sin is the undoing of the disloyal and the freethinking libertarian.  It was in the beginning, it is now, and ever so will be, world without end, AMEN.




AUSTRALIA - Australia became a nation in 1788. It celebrated its bicentennial in 1988. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It had an old Parliament House, but in 1988 it celebrated its New Parliament House on Capital Hill. There have been many Prime Ministers of Australia. In the 80s we had Malcolm Fraser, and since then there has been Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. Australia is a constitutional Monarchy, part of the Commonwealth of Nations, with the British Monarch as the Head of State, but legally, since the Australia Acts, Australia generally has no reliance on Britain for its law at all, and runs its own affairs completely. The Governor-General still must assent laws passed, but that is mostly a formality these days. There are 6 states and more territories which form the country of Australia. We have membership in the United Nations. Australia celebrated the Olympic Games in Melbourne, the capital city of the state of Victoria, in 1956. Dawn Fraser, the swimmer, was a champion of those games. Australia celebrated the Olympics again in 2000 in Sydney. Some of the big Olympic stars from Australia of recent times have been Kieran Perkins and Ian Thorpe in swimming, Kathy Freeman in athletics and Robert DeCastella in the Marathon in the 1980s. In 2016 the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks won the NRL grand final.

THE UNITED KINGDOM - Theresa May became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2016. The UK celebrated the Olympic Games in 2012. Mo Farrah was a successful athlete from Team GB in the Olympics. Brexit occurred recently when Great Britain left the European Union, and decided to run their own affairs completely. Queen Elizabeth II is the current Monarch of the UK, and she turned 90 in recent times, still going strong. The Capital City of the United Kingdom is London, which is the most populated city in the UK also. Since Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s the Prime Ministers of the UK have been John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Theresa May. The usual two main political parties of the UK have been the Tories and the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn is the current leader of the UK Labour Party in 2017. In 2012 Team GB won 29 Olympic Gold Medals in London, and in 2016 they won 27 gold medals at Rio. They have been doing very well in recent Olympic Games. The next Olympic Games is at Tokyo in Japan in 2020. Go Team GB! The Beatles were a popular British band in the 1960s, along with the Rolling Stones. The Beatles were comprised of Paul McCartney, Johh Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Queen were popular in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as Pink Floyd. Queen were comprised of Freddie Mercury (Real Name Farouk Bulsara), Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor. The Spice Girls and Take That were popular in the 1990s, and Girls Aloud and S Club 7 were popular in the 2000s. The Spice Girls were comprised of Geri Halliwell, Melanie Chisholm, Victoria Beckham, Melanie Brown and Emma Bunton. In the 2010s probably the biggest British acts have been One Direction, Coldplay and Little Mix. Little Mix were comprised of Jessie Nelson, Jade Thirlwall, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Perrie Edwards. Naturally there are many others who have had great success also.







Humor is what is funny in life. Things which make us laugh. Jokes, yarns, tales, anecdotes. Witty stories which bring a smile, a grin, a chuckle and even a frown. A lot of humor is soft and friendly enough, but when people dig into taboo subjects, as they are often called, we can get quite crude and ribald humor from many comedians. Swears are practically a given in this 21st century. They are not absolutely required – I watched a Christian pastoral sort of figure give a standup routine the other day on youtube and he kept it clean enough, and was genuinely funny. No, we don't need the swears necessarily, and there are plenty of life's ironies to laugh out without resorting to the 'F' word. But those swears really can make people laugh a lot, especially well timed ones, and while younger people are definitely the ones we teach as a society should be shielded and protected from such language, usually they are the first in line who have seen the latest fowl mouthed comedians video, and are more often than not the ones with the filthiest language in their coarse school yard shenanigans anyway. That's a reality of life – it's probably not going to change anytime soon. But we are supposed to laugh in the end – I am sure of that – it is simply what we do as people. It's how we think and how our mouths naturally work. We laugh naturally. A giggle occurs totally naturally. It's something we just do. We shouldn't really be ashamed of this, although many teach we need a stiff upper lip and to take life terribly seriously. But with all the jackasses around these days, perhaps such traditional wisdom is not that bad an idea anyway. Keep it in check in the end – keep your humor under control. Don't let it go to your head. But laugh at a funny joke, and smile at a silly video, and learn to look on the brighter side of life. It sure makes it a lot easier on rainy Sunday afternoons.


Adam and Eve

(From the Chronicle of the Illuminati – An anecdote from the lighter side of life)


Adam and Eve are the parents of mankind. All our DNA has its origins in these primal parents of mankind. In fact it says in Genesis that Eve is the mother of all the living. Adam and Eve had available to them the tree of life, yet never gained access to this tree because they chose to rebel against God's command to not eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God tested Adam and Eve, which is not a very loving act in their innocence, but this was not how God felt. God requires obedience, and places it as a higher category than any personal commitments of love to a human being. God insists on obedience, but is not loyal to us in our sufferings. He is only a fair-weather friend of a God. This shows a shallow heart, a hypocrite, which claims loving concern, but falls far short. God has never been as holy as he thinks in his quite vain imagination. It is certainly true the more you kiss God's arse, the more he will bless you. Sabbath keeping and kosher rules are the heart of God's delight, and he enjoys the suffering of souls who do not conform to whatever torah paradigm, in his dictatorial whims, he chooses to require at any given time. He is not exactly a 'divine' deity. Yet Adam and Eve are fundamentally good in every way, and a good example to God of decent behaviour. Heh heh. Hope you enjoyed that diversion into sarcasm with our fair divine heavenly father. God probably has a sense of humour. Probably. Religious extremists like to shun the lighter side of life very often, and make out that religion and life is all grave sobriety, with no spirit of adventure. How wrong they are. Adam and Eve were people – alive people – with a spirit and a life. And in Adam and Eve's DNA were the vast reservoirs of mankind's genetic patterns, and no matter how strictly obedient such offspring should be, there is obviously a flock within all of that life which has an imagination and believes in having a bit of fun in life. I would find it very difficult to believe that we couldn't crack a joke in life in walking with God, and that it is all boring Torah study. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say. Life has to have adventure in it. It needs those lighter moments. It needs the absurd even, the ridiculous, to remind us not to take ourselves too seriously, and that we are ultimately alive and hear on Earth to having something approximating a happy and wonderful time, and that we don't always have to get bogged down in the dull drudgery of serious conformity to every principle designed to take all the fun out of life. True – go off the edge, and that is what you will end up – right off the edge and living in fantasy land. Make sure you get a grip. But some of us, not necessarily all, for life has all sorts of people in it – but some of us need to know how to crack that well timed joke, and look on the lighter side of things, to lighten up a dull day, and bring gentle (and sometimes wild) humor to a life which can often be lived FAR TOO SERIOUSLY.



Dan's Stand up 
You know, I'm an ole pommy from way back. All of 3 bloody months, or thereabouts, living in England, as a wee little one, then back to Australia with mum and Dad, returning from grandmas, to live in Berridale.  But fuckit, the patriotism rose up in me, and I supported the English all my life in sports, and didn't give a damn about the aussies. And then I became a citizen - to join the public service. Legal requirement for a permanent citizen. Good huh. Become an aussie to fill the selection criteria. Still, supporting old england in a place like Australia does not necessarily make you many friends. A degree of mockery you can expect, but, in truth, the Australian male today has - evolved. Have you seen that show 'House Father's' or 'home fathers' or something like that? Do you get that here? Well garry sweet and some other charming aussie blokes are now the politically correct housed dads, sending their kids off to school, dealing with parental problems, doing all things for their kids, while the women, I guess, does all the work. How far has the Australian male fallen. Remember the 80s. Crocodile Dundee. Out comes that fucking knife. Big as your fucking arm. That's a fucking knife,' he says. Rambo kiss my arse. Bob Hawke - prime minister. the quintessential Aussie male in the 80s. Australia - tops at cricket. Winning the Americas cup. Sporting champions in so many endeavours. Valiant men of the southern cross. And now their house dads. And you know what that is? a grown up snag. A grown up Sensitive New Age Guy. But it was bound to happen. With the rise of the femminazis's as I like to call them, the great Australian bloke's day was limited. Once it was 'Get me a fucking beer, bitch.' Now its 'Could you pour me a glass of chardonnay, hubbie. It is been a difficult day in the office.' Femminazis. Fallen. the Aussie bloke has fallen from grace. And how far have they fallen? Julia Gillard. a female prime minister. Quentin Bryce - a female governer general. And the most sacred of male glories now gone - the female footie commentator. The Aussie blokes days of glory are well gone. And of course - the cricket. 18 years thrashing the poms, and 2005, the glory departs. don't worry mate, they won 5 nill the following time, but lost both following series. rugby union. hardly a win for the wallabies in a decade. France looking more threatening. i mean, France? Olympics. 7 gold or something like that. and the poms? 29 remeber the bragging of old? Fallen, I tell you.  I mean, come on, you know what Ricky Ponting says when he loses the last ashes series in australia? i was enjoying it so much, i didn't even mind losing. great captain australia. way to go Ricky. The great australian male. what can he do?  The fundamental problem, now, of course, is ipod. ipod and mobile phone and xbox. the kids are so fucking soft now they would rather watch sonic collect love potions and chase mario around a racing track then get off there arses and kick a footie around. depressing, aint it. But life goes on. For the battler, the great aussie bloke, the true blue, dinky di, bronzed aussie male still lives. And when the sons of the southern cross will need it most, a Bradman will emerge, or a Wally Lewis, or a Lionel Rose, and remind the world once more of that tried and true rebel yell. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!!! 

Scots humour 
 know how tight scots are? Give em a piggy bank and they'll put in a penny and six months later they will still expect a return. (Takes the piggy bank and shakes it,' getting out the one coin and says 'and the rest you bastard.'
Classic Sayings of the Antichrist - Black Humour 
In regards to the suffering unemployed in Spain, commenting to the French leader of the opposition. 
'Let them eat shit.' 
In regards to the suffering of the Jews, commenting to New York's Catholic Archbishop.
'Hitler had the right idea.' 
In response to a Jehovah's Witness pointing to the Glory of God's salvation 
'Jehovah can save my retarded son's hairy anus.' 
In response to the homeless in New York, commenting to the President 
'Cheap labour, I suppose.'
In response to a zealous Pentecostals fear of a mark of the beast 
'Now that's a good idea' 
In response to the Israelis Prime Minister's concerns about the Palestinians 
 you considered genocide.' 
In response to the China Japan island chain conflict, commenting to a Chinese politician 
'I am sure the nips have no nukes. Just bully them around Genghis.' 
In response to his second in commands worries on the Greeks leaving the Euro 
 plenty of other suckers in Europe, meine friend.' 
In response to the revival of neo-nazism, commenting to the German Arch-Chancellor 
'Don't worry, its just a front for my organisation. 
In response to African Famine, commenting to the South African president 
'It should keep the population under control, at least.'
In response to civil unrest in the Balkans, commenting to an Italian dignitary 
'Just throw a soccerball at them.'


In response to Islamic State, commenting to the president of Iraq

'I suppose they are effective in purging sinners from the world. Lawyers, doctors, priests. Children under the age of 5. Yep, very effective.' 


In response to Hilary Clinton, commenting on Donald Trump's presidency

'Never underestimate the general stupidity of the American people dear Hilary.'


In response to J K Rowling, commenting on the success of Harry Potter.

'Don't worry, sweetie. I'm sure your not to blame for the increasing growth of virginal sacrifices in the lower western quarter.'







Daly Country   
(A Speculative and lighthearted article on the possibilities of clan’s and family surnames ideas for Earth and Heaven.
  A particular example – Daly Country – is employed.  It could just as well be Smith or Jones or Chang or Perrot, etc) 
  ‘Daly’ is a country in heaven, just north or Ireland. It is inhabited 100% by members of the ‘Daly’ clan. There is a castle ‘Daly’ where the King of the Daly clan resides and watches over ‘Daly’. All around ‘Ireland’ in heaven are countries for each of the Irish clans. These are specific ‘Clan’ nations for purebred members of each clan to have their own specific country. But as Ireland’s heavenly nation grows, more and more countries are being formed for all the Irish clans, as well as more ‘Irelands’ for all the clans, all being formed interspersed in ‘Jigsaw’ fashion with all the Irish clan countries will develop. 
  In Castle Daly is the official ‘Daly’ library, where are collected the vast and numerous works of all the worldwide writings of the Daly clan. The ‘bards’ of old have there works featured here, and around the vast fireplace in the heart of the library, on a cold and dark Sunday Night, tales are told of the legends the Daly’s have accumulated over their long sojourn. 
  The library also holds the official ‘Daly Family Tree’ which charts the entire family from the first ‘Daly’ downwards. 
  Castle Daly is also home to the ‘Daly’ Archives, were are stored all the various famous creations of the Daly’s throughout history. And, of course, the ‘Daly’ hall of photography, were a vast collection of Daly family photos are stored is connected to the Archives. 
  Castle Daly is also home to the ‘Daly’ Kitchen and Eatery, were Daly’s from all over Country Daly gather to take part in finely prepared, elegant and tasteful ‘Daly’ cuisine, the best the family has to offer. 
  In the ‘Hall of Chivalry’ the Daly coats of arms are stored, as well as portraits of the noble Daly’s of old. 
  All throughout castle Daly there are constant celebrations of our beloved clan, testimony to our eternal and dutiful service in fidelity to God and King. 
  ‘Daly’ sub-clans 
The ‘Daly’ sub-clans are further divisions in the ‘Daly’ clan as a whole. The tradition is for the sub-clan family name to be placed before the ‘Daly’ clan name, which is the end name of a person’s name. 
  New Daly Sub-Clan names. 
The following Daly Sub-Clan names are available to those who claim them. 
  Dovechild – to be claimed by a Daly family were the wife of Mr Daly is an English lady, but claimed once only by one family. 
 – to be claimed by a Daly family were the wife of Mr Daly is an Asian Indian lady, but claimed once only by one family. 
 – to be claimed by any Daly member, but claimed once only by one family. 
 – to be claimed by any Daly member, but claimed once only by one family. 
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 – to be claimed by any Daly member, but claimed once only by one family. 
 – to be claimed by any Daly member, but claimed once only by one family. 
 Dominion of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly 

The Kingdom of Adam and Eve 
Haven Adamide Fellowship 
Haven Even Fellowship 
Haven Sethide Fellowship 
Haven Enoshide Fellowship 
Haven Cainaanide Fellowship 
Haven Mahalalelide Fellowship 
Haven Jaredide Fellowship 
Haven Enochide Fellowship 
Haven Methuselahide Fellowship 
Haven Lamechide Fellowship 
 Nation of Kadravana

The Nation of Eve

The Nation of Adam 
 Clans Even Clans Adamic Clans 
 Evelandrya Adamlya 
 Evlington Adamandrya 
 Evelondya Adamtom 
 Eventuranya Adamondya 
 Evenellyandranksia Adamandranksia 
Firestorm Evendra Adamendra 
 Evertstorm Adamstorm 
 Stormfire Stormwarden 
 Bloodchild Bloodsmoke 
The Nation of Noah 
The Nation of Seth 
The Nation of Anavardak 



Personal Education and Study

A thorough education from a wide range of reading materials is an essential in life to fashion your ‘Life Rights’ through the knowledge you gain from such studies.  Eternal rewards in heaven often hinge on the quota of books and knowledge you obtain in life, this life on earth, and were applicable to heavenly citizens, defines your eternity.  I recommend reading a number of fiction and non-fiction works in life to embellish your life with wisdom and understanding. Knowledge and learning is how we understand life and get the wisdom to navigate our way through our earthly or heavenly sojourn. Non-fiction gives you practical knowledge to undertake task and jobs and occupations, assisting you to do things well and according to proper procedures. Fiction embellishes life and culture with better understanding on how it all fits together, and is often just an enjoyable pastime and escape from the more mundane elements of life, and quite obviously something to do from keeping us being bored a lot of the time. Reading develops our personality and character, and is a fundamental thing all Adamides should be involved with and find enjoyment and pleasure from.  Many people spend a lot of time writing books, and a career as a writer or author is a realistic occupation for the more literary minded amongst us. It's not easy getting published, mind you, but if you have something valuable or worthwhile to say it is definitely a consideration for a life occupation. Learning – its what it is mostly about, and we understand this world better with more accuracy the more wide read we are. Certainly we can specialize our knowledge and studies onto one or a few particular subjects and become experts in the field. For a formal degree of education we usually do have to do just that – specialize. Concentrate or 'Major' on a field of knowledge. And sometimes this field of expertise can be quite precise indeed. For example, we might have 500 books on human genetics, but only one on the history of England. And this variety is as huge as the human population itself. It all depends on what we are into, and what suits our style. There are no rules for what you must read, but obviously there are classics of literature which are widely read by many people, and that is often a good starting point if you are looking to expand your reading horizon. Book clubs are good things to join, especially as you read the same books of others in the club, and can discuss the fruits of a book you might have enjoyed a great deal. And, of course, formalized study is a great place to learn together with fellow students on the exact same reading materials. Its what a class is usually all about. There is so much to study – and so much to know – but developing a personal library of books over life is definitely a worthwhile pursuit, and forms the core of your eternal knowledge, so I suspect, much of how your life of eternity is likely shaped. Read, study and learn. You'll never regret it. And you world will open up so much as you explore ideas of other thinkers besides yourself who have gone through life and answered the big questions in their own, inestimable, way.

Assorted Fiction Books and Non-Fiction BooksI have Read and enjoyed in life:

The Twilight Realm - Christopher Carpenter 
This is the way the world begins - J T Macintosh 
The Belgariad & The Malloreon – David Eddings 
The Riftwar Trilogy & The Sons of Krondor – Raymond E Feist 
The Galactic Milieu saga – Julian May 
Memory, Sorrow & Thorn books 1 & 2 – Tad Williams 
The first Shannara trilogy – Terry Brooks 
The Greyhawk Trilogy – Forgotten Realms 
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings & The Cottage of Lost Play – J R R Tolkien 
 Series books 1 to 9 – Piers Anthony 
Incarnations of Immortality books 1 to 7 – Piers Anthony 
Battle Circle – Piers Anthony 
Dorian Hawkmoon books – Michael Moorcock 
The Three Investigators – Various Authors 
The Sword and the Satchel – Elizabeth H Boyer 
The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness – Hugh Cook 
How to eat fried worms - Thomas Rockwell
Stark – Ben Elton 
Z is for Zachariah - Robert C. O'Brien
Where the Heart Is – Billy Letts 
Foundation saga 5 books – Isaac Asimov 
I Robot – Isaac Asimov 
Faded Sun Trilogy books 1 & 2 – C J Cherryh 
First Majipoor Trilogy – Robert Silverberg 
Gilgamesh the King – Robert Silverberg 
Sunrise on Mercury – Robert Silverberg 
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever – Stephen Donaldson 
The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant book 1 – Stephen Donaldson 
Daughter of Regals – Stephen Donaldson 
 Spring – Brian Aldiss 
The Dying Earth Series 3 books - Jack Vance
War of the Powers – Robert E. Vardeman & Victor Milan
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
Star Wars IV 
Star Wars V 
Star Wars VI 
Good Omens – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
The Anvil of Ice – Michael Scott Rohan

The Forge in the Forest – Michael Scott Rohan

Hammer of the Sun  - Michael Scott Rohan

The Revenants – Sherri S Tepper

A Different Drummer - Maggi Charles
The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield
Screwtape Letters
 – C S Lewis 
Mere Christianity – C S Lewis 

Life on the Edge – James Dobson

Storm Warning – Billy Graham

A Patch of Blue – Elizabeth Kata

To Kill a Mocking Bird – Harper Lee
The Getting of Wisdom – Henry Handel Richardson 
The Holy Bible 
The Tanakh 
King Arthur – Roger Lancelyn Green 
Mort& Reaper Man – Terry Pratchett

Tess of the Durbervilles – Thomas Hardy

Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

The Winds of Altair – Ben Bova

Jaws 2

The Last Starfighter – Alan Dean Foster

Orca – Arthur Herzog



The foundational knowledge of all studies is, of course, the Rainbow Torah. The Word of God (Genesis 1:1 – 11:9) which is the foundation of the knowledge of our life and the knowledge of our purposes in life. It is the foundational knowledge of the origin of our species and the general framework of moral thinking for life on earth. In the first 6 days of creation we gain a knowledge component from what God created on each successive day. God worked a program. A procedure, according to a plan, in his work in creation. It was mapped out, followed, worked through and, ultimately, completed. It was a plan of knowledge, and that knowledge plan was completed. This is a source of inspiration, in many ways, for our tasks when reading a novel. Certainly we can read a few chapters, sigh, and put it down, not quite happy with what we have found. But the riches and rewards from the novel are through persevering and reading all of it – completing it – to get the bigger picture and fuller understanding of what went on. In personal education and study you really need to complete the work in the end. You need to read every last word of the book at hand to get the fuller picture and the greater understanding. God works to a program and completes his work properly. Like God we need to work to a program and complete our work properly. And when it comes to personal study and reading a book, of whatever kind it is, we should ideally complete the book. We should finish the work. And that is where knowledge develops more properly, and greater understanding of life and how to handle the various things in life which cross our path.


We are born, and start becoming aware soon enough.  Our memories go back to when we are little - mine do.

Mum is important, who feeds us, and dad goes to work.  We watch play school and sesame street and Dr Who

and the Goodies and Star Blazers and Monkey and Inspector Gadget.  At school we notice some of the kids fight

a lot, and we had a few scuffles over our schooling lives, some people more than others.  The other sex usually

looked interesting, and if we got lucky we married, but some of us have to wait till we sort out our lives well enough.

We eat food - sometimes junk food - some of us healthy food - which is wise.  We wash in the bathroom, and use

the toilet to deal with our body waste.  We wash our clothes in a washing machine, and we cook foods on the stove

top and wash the dishes in the sink.  We contemplate the meaning of life, and feel we have it worked out well.  One

of the keys is to still remember to do all this as we get older.  If we can write down basic notes of what we do in life

and keep those notes - life perpetuates.  We will still know what to do.



Children of the

Garden of Eden






In the beginning, God created heaven and earth. But the earth was empty and unoccupied, and darknesses were over the face of the abyss; and so the Spirit of God was brought over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light.” And light became. And God saw the light, that it was good; and so he divided the light from the darknesses. And he called the light, ‘Day,’ and the darknesses, ‘Night.’ And it became evening and morning, one day.

 God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.” And God made a firmament, and he divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament. And so it became. And God called the firmament ‘Heaven.’ And it became evening and morning, the second day.

Truly God said: “Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.” And so it became. And God called the dry land, ‘Earth,’ and he called the gathering of the waters, ‘Seas.’ And God saw that it was good. And he said, “Let the land spring forth green plants, both those producing seed, and fruit-bearing trees, producing fruit according to their kind, whose seed is within itself, over all the earth.” And so it became. And the land brought forth green plants, both those producing seed, according to their kind, and trees producing fruit, with each having its own way of sowing, according to its species. And God saw that it was good. And it became evening and the morning, the third day.

Then God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. And let them divide day from night, and let them become signs, both of the seasons, and of the days and years. Let them shine in the firmament of heaven and illuminate the earth.” And so it became. And God made two great lights: a greater light, to rule over the day, and a lesser light, to rule over the night, along with the stars. And he set them in the firmament of heaven, to give light over all the earth, and to rule over the day as well as the night, and to divide light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And it became evening and morning, the fourth day.

And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.” And God created the great sea creatures, and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced, according to their species, and all the flying creatures, according to their kind. And God saw that it was good. And he blessed them, saying: “Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea. And let the birds be multiplied above the land.” And it became evening and morning, the fifth day.

God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became. And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species, and the cattle, and every animal on the land, according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And he said: “Let us make Man to our image and likeness. And let him rule over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and the wild beasts, and the entire earth, and every animal that moves on the earth.” And God created man to his own image; to the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. And God blessed them, and he said, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” And God said: “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant upon the earth, and all the trees that have in themselves the ability to sow their own kind, to be food for you, and for all the animals of the land, and for all the flying things of the air, and for everything that moves upon the earth and in which there is a living soul, so that they may have these on which to feed.” And so it became. And God saw everything that he had made. And they were very good. And it became evening and morning, the sixth day.

And so the heavens and the earth were completed, with all their adornment. And on the seventh day, God fulfilled his work, which he had made. And on the seventh day he rested from all his work, which he had accomplished. And he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. For in it, he had ceased from all his work: the work whereby God created whatever he should make.




Adam and Eve

These are the generations of heaven and earth, when they were created, in the day when the Lord God made heaven and earth, and every sapling of the field, before it would rise up in the land, and every wild plant, before it would germinate. For the Lord God had not brought rain upon the earth, and there was no man to work the land. But a fountain ascended from the earth, irrigating the entire surface of the land.

And then the Lord God formed man from the clay of the earth, and he breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. Now the Lord God had planted a Paradise of enjoyment from the beginning. In it, he placed the man whom he had formed. And from the soil the Lord God produced every tree that was beautiful to behold and pleasant to eat. And even the tree of life was in the midst of Paradise, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

And a river went forth from the place of enjoyment so as to irrigate Paradise, which is divided from there into four heads. The name of one is the Phison; it is that which runs through all the land of Hevilath, where gold is born; and the gold of that land is the finest. In that place is found bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is the Gehon; it is that which runs through all the land of Kush. Truly, the name of the third river is the Tigris; it advances opposite the Assyrians. But the fourth river, it is the Euphrates.

Thus, the Lord God brought the man, and put him into the Paradise of enjoyment, so that it would be attended and preserved by him. And he instructed him, saying: “From every tree of Paradise, you shall eat. But from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat. For in whatever day you will eat from it, you will die a death.” The Lord God also said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let us make a helper for him similar to himself.” Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would call them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name. And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself. And so the Lord God sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it. And the Lord God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam. And Adam said: “Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man.” For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and mother, and he shall cling to his wife; and the two shall be as one flesh. Now they were both naked: Adam, of course, and his wife. And they were not ashamed.




The Temptation

However, the serpent was more crafty than any of the creatures of the earth that the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Why has God instructed you, that you should not eat from every tree of Paradise?” The woman responded to him: “From the fruit of the trees which are in Paradise, we eat. Yet truly, from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of Paradise, God has instructed us that we should not eat, and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we may die.” Then the serpent said to the woman: “By no means will you die a death. For God knows that, on whatever day you will eat from it, your eyes will be opened; and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil.” And so the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and beautiful to the eyes, and delightful to consider. And she took from its fruit, and she ate. And she gave to her husband, who ate. And the eyes of them both were opened. And when they realized themselves to be naked, they joined together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves. And when they had heard the voice of the Lord God taking a walk in Paradise in the afternoon breeze, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of Paradise. And the Lord God called Adam and said to him: “Where are you?” And he said, “I heard your voice in Paradise, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and so I hid myself.” He said to him, “Then who told you that you were naked, if you have not eaten of the tree from which I instructed you that you should not eat?” And Adam said, “The woman, whom you gave to me as a companion, gave to me from the tree, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the woman, “Why have you done this?” And she responded, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” And the Lord God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, you are cursed among all living things, even the wild beasts of the earth. Upon your breast shall you travel, and the ground shall you eat, all the days of your life. I will put enmities between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring. She will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel.” To the woman, he also said: “I will multiply your labors and your conceptions. In pain shall you give birth to sons, and you shall be under your husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over you.” Yet truly, to Adam, he said: “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, from which I instructed you that you should not eat, cursed is the land that you work. In hardship shall you eat from it, all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles shall it produce for you, and you shall eat the plants of the earth. By the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken. For dust you are, and unto dust you shall return.” And Adam called the name of his wife, ‘Eve,’ because she was the mother of all the living. The Lord God also made for Adam and his wife garments from skins, and he clothed them. And he said: “Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Therefore, now perhaps he may put forth his hand and also take from the tree of life, and eat, and live in eternity.” And so the Lord God sent him away from the Paradise of enjoyment, in order to work the earth from which he was taken. And he cast out Adam. And in front of the Paradise of enjoyment, he placed the Cherubim with a flaming sword, turning together, to guard the way to the tree of life.







In this modern era of the 62nd Century since creation, the current year being 6180 SC, mankind has come a long way. And the Garden of Eden lifestyle created at the beginning has remained part of the culture of mankind all along the way. We often call this a primitive lifestyle, running around naked, eating fruits and vegetables and drinking water, and bathing in streams, but their remain these primitive cultures in mankind, still earth based societies, who have that bit of innocence often associated with them, not so accustomed to the complexities of the advancing civilizations of mankind. But while this is traditional and good and decent, for natural living honours God, and is a way of life full of the spirit of mother nature, and it natural pleasantries, men, many of them, desire more complex things, for they desire a more filled life of things to do and places to go and comfort to enjoy and a world of adventure, and competition and enterprise. For beyond the Garden of Eden is the growing world of the Empire, where progress and advancement is still the custom of thought which builds a new society every hour of ever day with new discoveries of knowledge and science, with further cultural embellishment and enhancement, and a continuing drive to make something of this wonderful world, were we all fight it out for glory and recognition, to carve our name into the annals of history for the accomplishments in our name, and to leave a legacy which, if we are fortunate, liveth on forever. Live in the real world if you can afford it, for beyond the garden of Eden is not necessarily death at all, if you are willing to work, and work hard, and make something of yourself. This world has resources, which we need to manage sustainably, and as primitive societies inevitable embrace change and progress, we need to learn how to manage our scarce resources more carefully and more justly all the time, to ensure equitable living standards for mankind, and continue the cultivation of the soil to produce more fruit of the vine, as Noah did being a vinedresser, and produce the fruits of this growing complexity of the new garden of Eden, with our own creations, following that creative impulse of a being made in the image of a holy God whose first work was that of creation, to find a better world each day through our efforts, to develop terra, this earth, and make it a more wonderful, great and blessed place to live in, where we can pursue life and happiness, and what liberties we can, but following those rules and laws and customs required for an ever increasing society of man, which competes for those rare resources, for the glory of a full and happy life and to bring enjoyment, contentment and consolation to our soul, for the living of a long, fruitful and happy life. AMEN




Initial Thinking

Written Monday 19th of September 6179 SC. Hey. Well I've finished the works of religion for the Advancing Noah Movement and the works of spirituality for Canberra Biblical Noahides. All official products for those religions are complete. If I get converts to the faith, or if I have children one day, and the religion does actually grow, expect there to be derivative works which, personally, I don't mind going on as long as they have the stamina to go on with decent original concepts and ideas. Eventually it should ideally wrap up, but that could take a shitload of time, so we'll wait and see. Everything in this Life Story is my personal opinion, and I don't mind sharing it either. It's been a quiet enough week since I last wrote. Got the religion finished, as I said, and everything all finalized with the works. Now its “Me” time, and personal time, and God says I don't have to do any more works of any kind at all now anyway, and that he will provide for me eternally. Awesome. Rest. It's great. So I have decided to continue on with the standard things I do in my religion, but written under my own name. I will continue to write angels stories, which are not official canon of ANM and neither derivative works. They are my personal writings, but they are copyrighted and legal. The name of the work I am doing is 'The Angels Saga – Legends and Dreams'. When I get some work done I will put the link in. It's been a challenging 17 years, the history of my life in writing and developing my Karaite Noahide faith. There has been struggles, and unhappiness along the way, but looking back I don't think I would change any of those struggles. I am not sure if I would ever want to repeat them, but I don't think I would change them. A personal saying of mine is 'What is done is done and can't be undone.' So it's over now, and what I did and what I got is what I did and what I got. Such is life. I suppose there were hilights along the way. The personal inspiration for Morning Stars Chapter 6, when I was underneath a bridge in Tharwa one late evening – that was a pretty intense moment. And I am very happy with how the work ultimately came out. Some of my favourite parts of the Chronicles. When all is said and done, though, probably my favourite story in the Angels saga is 'Ye Olde Devil'. That had a lot of my own life and struggles in it, and I think it has winning charm. I prayed to marry Taylor Swift along the way, and I do hope to do so one day, as well as Katy Perry. I am very fond of those girls, and don't object to marrying two women as this is permissible in the Rainbow Torah. Hopefully I'll get lucky. Well, what does the future hold? Who knows. One day at a time, I guess, but It is important to not only be reactive to the things that life throws at you, but to also be proactive, and go off and achieve things. To me proactive people are the 'Go Getters' in life, and that is sometimes what life should be about. Not just running with the pack, but being and independent thinker and doing your own thing with all that life has to offer you. It's a wonderful life, as they say, so why not make it magical and dare to dream big things for your time on earth. So proactively life still meanders on as they second, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and, maybe, centuries pass. So as it meanders along the 'Sellawon' at its general pace of things, I will flow along with the spirit of my faith, and see where it all takes me. Could be exciting – who knows? But for now I'm happy, and open to new possibilities of an exciting life, but within good and godly reason. I'm happy enough though – we'll see where life takes me. That will do for now. Bye. - Continuing on later in the day, this work is now part of the Children of the Garden of Eden spirituality, as well as what follows and all the writings and works on the links. Judgment: All my properties labeled 'Eternal Property of Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly' are official properties of the Children of the Garden of Eden. Judgment: I have decided to place Children of the Garden of Eden into the Canberra Biblical Noahides movement, and develop it as part of the Canberra Biblical Noahides Movement. That movement was just going to be a spirituality, but it may as well be developed which is probably common sense, rather than trying to invent endless new religious movement concepts. I had agreed with God to finish it, but I think that has changed now and it is going to be developed. ANM is complete for its official scriptural religious works, but it appears he is happy enough to now push me into also doing 'Derivative' works of official, but not scriptural, status for ANM also. So the works go on.

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Canberra, Australia


The Tree of Life

In the early 2010s, when at Lake Tuggeranong Pool, I asked God for the fruit of the tree of life. Immediately I felt a fruity spirit enter my body. That was it, I guess – the tree of life. God charges a soul who is legal enough in his standing, for it to be guaranteed, 700 passages (Chapters) of the Tanakh in prayer (repeated passages are fine) for the salvation of another soul of humanity. The actual salvation is quite potentially achieved well before 700 has been done, as many souls already have a degree of salvation they have worked. But he will guarantee it for a soul upon reaching 700 passages of the Tanakh in prayer prayed to God on another soul's behalf. God makes judgments. When God destroyed the people of the flood, it was only when their wickedness had reached a certain level. When God destroyed the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, it was only when their wickedness had reached a certain level. When God destroyed the people of Canaan, it was only when their wickedness had reached a certain level. Sexual depravity is often a good indicator of how bad it has to be before God will judge, and Genesis 19 and Leviticus 18 & 20 give some indicators. When society has become really debauched, God will bring on judgment day. And, looking at the world today in this second decade of the 21st century of the common era, it is starting to head that way a fair bit now. In the 1990s gay became politically correct. In the 2010s gay marriage became politically correct. One day it will be taught in schools as a quite acceptable lifestyle choice. When gayness is controlled by a strong sense of civic duty or awareness, as progressive judaism teaches such gay citizens still stand within reason in the Kingdom of God. But it inevitably decays. It always did before – it will inevitably do so again. It's judgment day, like I said, down the track one day. It's coming. Probably not this century, looking at the general rate of decay of things, and maybe not even the next one, but the one after that – when the year 6000 in the Hebrew Calendar is approaching, around then I think the epidemic of depravity in society might just reach its head. Now, God has shared with me the resurrection of the dead is not until judgment day. But another thing he has let me know is that, with a minimum of 100 prayer utterances, which is the level required for the prayer to work eternally in every future generation, once Daniel chapter 12 is prayed for this purpose (and there are other suitable eschatology chapters to use), the prayer being to resurrect the dead for the life of the world to come, if this prayer is prayed for a deceased soul, and there have also been 700 tanakh passages prayed for that soul, they will have a place in the world to come. But it means more than that. If you pray the passages into a living soul it will redeem that soul's salvation for the 700 passages, and if you pray Daniel 12 for a living souls resurrection to eternal life in the world to come, and if your standing with God is sufficiently legal, you will give such a soul permanent endurance, here and now, on earth, till Judgment day – and eternally onwards. And that is some of the knowledge of the Tree of Life.



Written Wednesday 12th of April 6180 SC. Yet I had not finished the work of the ANM or CBN above when I said I had, and it verily went on for a season and a time, but ANM is complete, and its work and

labour was no minor accomplishment. CBN goes on, though, and is the work of the moment, and the struggle to improve the Canons of the Adamide-Noahide community. So more shall be done, and growth and knowledge shall be learned in greater measure, and the Kingdom of Jehovah shall grow, and peace and truth and love shall reign, for the glory of life eternal. AMEN. Life has been relatively ok recently, if not challenging from the struggle against spiritual voices who oppose me, and would limit me as much as possible with the strength of their opposition to the people of pure truth and faith in the Garden of Eden and descent from Adam the first man, for they are jealous and power mad, and not true servants of God, but servants of vanity and pride, and God has reserved a special place in hell for them, where Satan shall plunge his pitchfork into their genitals, and mock them, and justice shall be done. AMEN.



Sensible Advice

To maintain a balanced diet - you'll have to learn to eat the right foods in ratio. If you disapprove of smoking, you probably shouldn't smoke. Alcoholism can be tough on the kidneys. Using party drugs to get you high can kill you, and can cause all sorts of mental problems for a person. Illicit drugs are usualy something best to avoid. If you need a job for an income, you usually need to get a decent eduction to learn how to do the job proerly. Walking by the law of the land keeps you out of a lot of trouble. Consult counsellors with decent knowledge if you need advice for what to do in life. Think about things – take time to mull them over – rash decisions can often lead to bad results in life, so give the issues proper contemplation. Remember your parents have usually learned how to live in society, so there advice, especially for the sake of family tradition, is often a good place to start in life. Treat youf friends with courtesy and respect and don't take them for granted – abusing ones who give you their trust is really low behaviour. Make sure you love the person you marry and can commit to them – when the love grows cold, which it often does, learn sensible things which you keep on doing to keep the love alive – don't expect it to just happen, a good relationship needs to be worked on and remember the reason you fell in love in the first place. Fear God, honour the law of the land, and live in peace and harmony with your fellow man. Do the right thing, even when your peers and friends think you should say or do otherwise. Better to have a good reputation with God rather than the devil himself.


The Power of Darkness

Chronicles of an Age of Darkness Fanfiction

by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

The Darkness. It was an age bereft with it on Olo Malan. Dreldragon didn't mind the darkness. He didn't mind it at all. Heck, it gave you plenty of opportunities for debauchery, shenanigans and other depraved activities. But he was a depraved kind of fella, wasn't he. A friend from Ashmolea who he'd met on his journeys once recommended Sodomy to him. He responded, 'Dreldragon Drakedon Douay fears nothing, but the anus of man is a territory I have yet to bravely venture forth into.' And upon being invited by his Ashmolean friend to take that 'Leap of Faith', Dreldragon looked at the winking eye, the nodding head, and the open arms and smiled. 'Tempting my fellow scumbag, but I think I will till I'm older, if you don't mind.' The fob off was decisive enough to warrant, 'I'll look you up one day then,' from his buddy, to which Dreldragon replied, albeit under his breath, 'Yeh, right. Fag.' Now, there were all sorts of delights in the darkness, and while he eventually declined on the delectable option of ass-fucking, he did not try to impinge his natural curiousity on abominations like rat torture, very popular in his childhood neighbourhood, egg throwing at sacred temples, devirginising many a fair maiden, blasphemous utterances against the gods of the various infidels, and many a thing of corrupt and crooked nature. But to hell with it – this was life, and he was not sure if anything truly did lie beyond the grave, so wild at heart was his calling and modus operandi. On his adventures throughout Olo Malan, one time he recalled, in latter years, to his wife, that he'd met a strange old witch. She spoken a prophecy to him. 'There shall come from the south of Argan a brave warrior, true and noble, and he shall rule the world of Olo Malan one day, instigating the power of Babel. He shall rise up in glory, yet a champion of the Grand Guardian shall verily oppose him. The battle on the wild plains of Parengarenga shall be fierce, the day of final wrath, yet who shall be the victor is not clearly forseen. Now pay me, lad of ill repute.' Drakedon proceeded to fork over a copper piece, which brought a curse of fowl words, but he kept the prophecy in mind. Who could this proud Babelite truly be? The world was vast, Olo Malan, and Drakedon wished to see much of it in time, and become wise in its ways. There were proud empires and hostile empires and forces and allegiances of all kind in this mad world, and he would forge his own as best as his wits could manage, and it was good and proper that his sense of wit was developed to sufficient strength, for it was a wild and crazy world, were betrayals were commonplace, and a stab in the back could hit you at any given moment. A place for the strong – a place for the proud – a place for Lord Douay. Yet he was young, still, he esteemed himself, just settled in with the love of his life, and the future yet beckoned him onwards. What it held, only the powers of Olo Malan really knew, but he would venture forth bravely enough still, not yet given to the suicide death cults of Yestron he'd heard of, and see where it would take him. Glory? Power? Wealth? Time would tell, but it would be his story, a story of his own making, and he would take glorious pleasure in it whatever that story would be. Whatever that story would be.

The End