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Cyril Aloysius Daly and the Cultural Society for our Family to Form.

The extant Telecom Material forms a system of knowledge. It is enough information to establish a Telecom network of sorts. This network can be placed withing a cultural community. The material pertains primarily to a 20th century technological society. The other extant textbooks of Cyril also pertain to a 20th century technological society. Thus the extant paraphernalia of Cyril Aloysius Daly, which also includes the notes and bills in his desk, pertains primarily to a 20th century and early 21st century society. This information is the extant information of Cyril, and part of his eternal legacy for his living years. For an eternal life to function well, which eventually earns its own eternity, it needs a structure based on its initial living years if at all possible. This reality exists for dad. The nature of the culture of this information primarily pertains to Australian society, but naturally Australia itself has progressed beyond this knowledge. The best response to that truth is to form the knowledge into a core technological infrastructure in an expanded world Australian based society. Cyril is not an overtly Monarchistic individual. He primarily identifies as Australian. He also identifies as a member of his own Daly clan. The best thing, because of this truth, is for myself (Daniel Daly) to contribute corresponding information from my life which pertains as well as possible to Cyril's own societal information, and form in an expanded world reality an Australian based society which has these elements at its technological centre. Of course, a society can function on a variety of human individual contributors, but a core can be quite individualistic if necessary. Religiously dad and mum will likely retain much of catholic tradition, so my own Noahide tradition needs to be enmeshed with this way of life into a society which reflects unity of these faiths. Dad and mum are my eternal supports, so the progress of my own societal visions is best enmeshed with their own materials and way of life. Thus the MKN library of works is best formed with Cyril and Mary's own information and traditions into an overall Australian-English based society, where core infrastructures of culture and knowledge are based on the extant items and paraphernalia of the family. For myself, restoration of lost items of culture owned during Cyril's living years is a program worth pursuing still, and to some degree, based on direct relevance, worth expanding on and pursuing with somewhat. For example, comics from the culture of society from even the golden age to the end of the DC bullet era are generally mostly worth collecting. Fantasy and SF books from this period are also worth obtaining. Not every cultural item of this era is worth collecting as it does not properly enough reflect the living culture I had experienced during this time. But some things are worth obtaining. In the completion of this work, the idea would be to establish an Australian-Based society which well enough reflects our own life experiences in the living years of our foundation in life.