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The Advancing Prosperity Party

Political Thinking from a Moralist Prosperist Perspective



After some further consideration I have decided that the APP is actually a party which ultimately enters into politics. The aim in the long term is to gradually develop policies and knowledge as the foundation of our partiy's political knowledge and source of strength. The ultimate aim is to gradually popularize the party, primarily in Australia but not necessarily limited to this, and when there is enough support to launch the party as a legitimate party in the political arena. This is a long-term goal – if it happens it will only happen at the speed of life in the natural enough way of things.



Telephone: + 61 2 6291 4414

Address: 29 Merriman Crescent, MACARTHUR, ACT, 2904, AUSTRALIA



"Without a monetary system based on 'Work Effort' to determine allocation of resources, a 'Shared' system faces the facts that people don't like sharing very much and usually insist on private ownership. The communal system of ownership expressed by many is admirable, but unrealistic and will never universally occur because it does not address core factors of human nature which the current 'Work for your money' system does. OPPORTUNITIES have always been presented to those of lower social standings over their life time. They are, especially in the western world, given very good access to education, which is the PRIMARY OPPORTUNITY OF THEIR LIFE TO DEVELOP THEMSELVES AND SEEK FORTUNE IN LIFE. The lower social classes often remain as such primarily because poor parental attitudes are often carried from one generation to the next. The child which has had enough of his lowly standing WILL SUCCEED through personal ambition. 

"In human development theory, one of the key ideas is Nature Versus Nurture - a human is influenced by his nature, yet the way he or she is nurtured affects the total outcome as well. Because of this, and in a natural argument perhaps, some people are more attuned to, say, a USdemocratic party agenda, and some are more attuned to a US republican party agenda. But then we have strong 'GREEN BASED' environmentalist politicians, and the communistic ideals as well. Each major political initiative has usually as its core idea Prosperity. Prosperity, often for the individual and often for the larger society. Conservatism - the Right Wing - is usually the individually based focus, focusing on entrepreneurialship. Socialistic idealism - the Left Wing - thinks more about society as a whole and especially the disaffected within society. People are different, and there are a variety of human natures - 7 Billion - at work on planet earth to influence and control the overall agenda. A nation perhaps also has a psychology, and some nations are more prosperous and some less so.   The challenge for the disaffected is to RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. Sure, we really do need a helping hand, and stronger nations need to help weaker ones - a primary work of the United Nations. Yet life is often sink or swim. That is the truth of the natural order of things. Natural selection in a sense.' 
"Life is what YOU make it. Not what Big Brother says in taking care of you." 

"Hurting, harming, causing pain and despair and suffering - intentionally - to another human being is a fundamental transgression of morality. Our freedoms and liberties are limited eternally by the freedoms and liberties of others to live free from harm and oppression. We DO NOT LIVE IN A STATE OF INDIVIDUALITY but IN A STATE OF COMMUNITY. For this reason, Conservatism/Right wing theology taught without a sense of community is FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED ON ITS CONCEPTION OF THE WORLD. We exist NEEDING others, and for others to NEED US. Liberty is thus morally limited and affected by the rights and privileges of others." 

"Conversely, Marxism will NEVER work universally. People are attuned to individuality. It is flawed to pursue this policy of life in isolation from community, but people justify the idea based on 'Providing for their family' (when it is really the individual who mostly want life's glories). This is closer to the system which will prevail in the end. Marxism is corrupt in many ways, because it primarily EMPHASISES the rights of the community, to the negligence of the rights of the individual.  Yet socialism shrinks down to nothing without capitalism - without individual achievement to strengthen the whole. When provoking each other in a political system - socialistic policy versus capitalist policy - were both are attempted, a unique balance creates a situation which actually works."


Ultimately, Prosperity is found in balancing the competing forces of Individual Versus Society. A Centrist Manifesto is key, in which the strengths of the both the right wing and left wing are harnessed by a central body of judgment, which has at its heart the overall point of Government – providing a framework of a lawful and economically viable society in which the pursuit of Wealth, Happiness and Honour – Prosperity – can be achieved. Through focusing individual Enterprise towards benefiting society as a whole, but ensuring a fair, decent and generous overall reward for their own efforts, people can achieve their own ambitions, but realize they also are part of a society which cares for the disaffected and, ultimately, that their tax dollars are benefiting others in employment schemes, work initiatives and social security job programs as well as health and other societal programs, for the furtherance of the society as a whole. To be blunt: You work a degree for your country, but you also get a fair bit of individual benefit as well. The key to success for Centrist Prosperity is to balance the needs of the individual with the needs of society, to try and achieve the happiest and fairest result for all.”

“I do support the general traditional philosophy of the left wing as I do also the right wing. As a centrist I aim to draw from the strength of carefully thought out communal-social policies, which favour us being a community of citizens, caring for each other, and providing social infrastructure in terms of appropriate support mechanisms when citizens go through difficult and challenging times. Further, economic policy should also be shaped and affected by the needs of the many and the disaffected in society. Yet I also support the general right wing philosophy of the rights of the individual to prosper and attain success and prosperity in life with their natural drive, and entrepreneurial spirit is supported and encouraged. The Advancing Prosperity party seeks to balance the needs of the many with the one, in a centrist philosophy which serves the best interests and needs of ALL of society.


It is when a society is too far to the left, that a Centrist Party needs to draw from the Right and, conversely, when it is too far to the right, it needs to draw from the left. Stability of Governance blesses a nation, and one of the purposes of a proper Centrist Party is to attempt to stay in Governance as long as possible, through wise economic management and national and international diplomacy. Through this attained stability, should it be realized, the weakness of a left wing or a right wing party is that they inevitably push too far towards their own agenda, to the detriment of the will of the people, and thus the opposing party of the opposite wing inevitably returns to power. A sensible Centrist party needs to have a sense for what the people want at any given time, and in true democratic spirit listen to the people, by pushing either strong left wing or strong right wing policies to appease them. Naturally, some times tough decisions have to be made in the best long term interests of the nation, and the people might not always grasp this, but the usual state of affairs is to sense whether, at any given election time, they wish to push further to the left or further to the right. The nation has a sense of judging itself, and what it needs, and it is important for the APP to be sensitive to the voice of the people, and align with the policy stance at any particular time the people are more strongly desiring of. And remember that often the party needs to lead the way by doing the right thing rather than always the popular thing.”


Public Companies and Organisations Vs Private Companies and Organisations. We support the right of private companies and organisations to use discriminatory guidelines in the choice of those who it employs and lets in as members of its clubs and associations. We also support the rights of citizens to be accepted into public companies and organisations with freedom from any form whatsoever of discrimination based on sex, age, race,colour, creed, religion, sexual orientation or political affiliation. The APP agree with the rights of any people to assert themselves within the law. We don't agree with lawlessness or violence or oppression against any group of people. We are familiar with the history of political groups who have exercised oppression in the past against cultural groups. We do not support such notions. People have a right to express their views. In a democracy we get to vote for different parties, and not all parties agree with each other. Issues are judged by the Law of the land. As long as a party works within legal framework it is allowed to promote its viewpoint. A private enterprise is obligated to observe the laws of the land, just like a public company. However, membership of a private company should be left to who it chooses itself. You can't force people to assimilate into something against their own wishes. I would agree that the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazis are highly unlikely to accept much of the law as it stands, should such groups ever become politically alive again. It would be quite disastrous to vote for such organisations in their traditional modes. However, they are still allowed to express their viewpoints though - it is why we live in a democracy. People are allowed to make their own choices in life with what they affiliate with. A white person or a black person or a yellow person has a right to choose to affiliate just with their own race or culture, and deny other races or cultures into their own society if they so choose. We are not forced in society to have everyone be part of our private world. It is our life and we are free to affiliate with those we choose, and reject those we don't want to from our company. That is our human right. Racism has always been a human right in private affairs. In a multicultural country, we have obligations in public associations to be free from discrimination. In the Public Service, Public Defense and Health and other public organisations people have a right to freedom and protection from persecution. Yet people have a right to their own private space as well, and in their own private institutions can choose who they do and do not accept into their memberships. In the Public space of Shopping districts and Public Parks and Public roads and Libraries and other public places all humans have a right to be protected from discrimination and that is where the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is legally to be enforced. But in private worlds and privately owned institutions you are not required to accept the views of the general public, and can make your own decisions on these issues. Yet, in private institutions the laws of the land still apply, and you can not murder or steal or commit other crimes in private organisations. Oppression of people of another race is also a crime regardless of where you live or associate. You can't tell your neighbour in his own home that he is required to accept you, but he or she may not discriminate against you in the general public of society. As an example Wal-Mart is a business which engages with the general public. It is not a private business for a select clientele. As such it is obligated under the rules and laws of public society. It engages with the general public. Thus it is under laws and protocols of engagement with the general public. It is a privately 'REGISTERED' company. It is legally registered with society. Thus, there is a degree more public law required of them. Not every private business engages with the general public. There are many private clubs and associations which do not engage with the general public. A company doesn't have to be legally registered to be a company. Private garage businesses are companies as well. It is only mainstream society which thinks it has all the rights to make rules about what people do in their private lives. “


'The Advancing Prosperity Party represents all who support it. It also represents the Karaite Adamide-Noahide community of the Advancing Noah Movement, but it is not part of the Advancing Noah Movement as an official organization. It is a political platform of the ANM, yet the ANM teaches separation of religion and state, thus it does not directly teach ANM doctrine. It derives its teaching from ANM doctrine and philosophy, but does not attempt to put into legal Act such codes as the Torah of Noah and so on. As said, it is a distinct and separate organisation in its own wright, meant to be the party which ANM members normally vote for, but by no means are bound to vote for. Right Wing Policy / Theology is a little bit to 'Wild West' for the likings of Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith. Gun totin rednecks are not our ideological position. The freedoms of political conservatism, the liberties of unabated laissez faire, and the brashness of individualism are not in complete harmony with the centrist manifesto of the Karaite Adamide-Noahide political position. Conversely, the mass-conformity, non identity of the self and personhood, the too great insistence of contribution to a societal fund you might not wholeheartedly support, and the lack of the focus on attainment for your own self, family and group you support - the ability to achieve your own wealth and kingdom status, which the left wing socialistic elements propagate - is neither in complete harmony with centrist manifesto of the Karaite Adamide-Noahide position. Too much liberty denies societal unity and too much community denies the power of the one. Karaite Adamide-Noahide faith attempts to balance these competing forces, and utilize the strengths of both positions to bring a more holistic politico-moralistic inspired structure to society. '


'The APP advocates moral behaviour. The limit of what we enforce in law is rule of law based on societal interaction and the principle of harm. Religious principle which invokes a spiritual belief based on non-observable spiritual phenomenon can not be used as a basis for civic moral law, thus we teach separation of religion and state. In relation to the Evolution/Creation controversy we will make it illegal to teach either view in state educational facilities as both present a worldview which impinges upon understanding of human morality, which can and must be left only to the family and the individual to ascertain for themselves. The disputation by each party of the others view as non-scientific means that neither view should be taught in educational facilities.'


'It would appear from observing these issues over recent times, the left wing has become staunch advocates of the ideas of tolerance - but SPECIFIC areas they tolerate. Gay rights, often abortion rights, cannabis use, and various other issues. They have become quite determined that these issues need to be 'Tolerated'. The right wing has a more conservative approach, and I personally believe is wise enough to see some of the problems with things the left insists needs to be tolerated. The problem is that the left has become Intolerable of accepting the rights of the right wing to have a differing opinion. It's not really that the left wing promotes tolerance - its that they promote tolerance of specific things they agree with. And if you disagree they sledge you and label you hypocrites and all sorts of insulting things. I am centrist, but I find very much a lot of hypocrisy on the left wing these days.'

'Politics and religion both appear to have right and left wings. I would be centrist politically and probably centrist religiously, but the left wing liberals to me, these days, are nuts. They tolerate far too many things which I personally would call sinful behaviour. There is just too much acceptance of lifestyle choices which are corrupting elements in the left wing of things these days. In older days the left wing still had standards ofbehaviours which I would have called decent enough, but now its a joke. The kind of things they accept and the kind of things they are pushing for are disgusting. I've been a crude sort of person at times in life and I use crass language in my comedy and other things a bit, but in terms ofbehaviours I've gotten over a lot of crap. There are still issues to deal with, of course, but the left wing seems to be dedicated to justifying a lot of crap. I think they have gone off the deep end. The older I get the more I push towards the right wing, even though I didn't like them much in younger years. But these days they are the only ones with traditional common sense. The world has changed a lot, and the devil has been doing his business as far as I am concerned.'


'The APP make it a general policy of legislative continuity. We are a party which advocates the unchanging nature of legislation and that, once established, unless there is some over-riding moral concern against it, or an issue that has clearly and eternally lapsed from relevancy for technological or cultural advancement reasons, that previously established legislation should perpetually remain in force. We do not try and go against the grain of historical legislation passed by other political parties, but uphold them and work with them in forming our own political agenda. We are ideally a uniting force in politics, which do not strive separatist policy unique only to the APP, insisting on our own doctrine only, but we draw from the broad spectrum of political wealth, working with all parties to ensure the prosperity and happy future of Australian society.'

To prosper means to do well in life and have success to some degree. A party focusing on this has an altruistic concern for the citizens of the nation, and motivating them to some degree to do better in life and create a better society. We can't ignore the fact that past societies often worked well enough for many of the citizens, but likewise we can't ignore that not everyone was happy with what was going on. A civilization should probably be shaped, if we care, to accommodate all the reasonable wants, needs and desires of its citizenship, so that we can live together in a general sense of peace and wellbeing. Not everyone wants to hold each other's hands - some find that very disturbing and lame. The left side of things likes social justice and the right side of things like self empowerment their own family's success and prosperity. A party needs to keep in mind the hopes, dreams, ambitions and desires of its citizienship and formulate policy for where people can be happy with it all. “




It is important that fines for crimes and other infractions of the law which brook financial penalties be accorded the same proportionate fine from year to year in adjusted CPI value. We will introduce legislation that changes all figures of dollar amounts to a standard 'Credit Value' amount for the fine. Every year the official value of the Credit Value will have a table which reflects the current year's value of the Credit Value in adjusted dollar terms. This ensures the same penalty fine fits in the same adjusted proportionate amount from year to year.



Australia has a constitution. It has a legal framework to settle disputes amongst its citizens. Yet, till now, it has been the part of Australian Citizens and groups and organizations within the Australian Community to form their own plans and objectives for life, if any at all. Political parties also represent a general plan of sorts in their political philosophies. Yet a nation of the 21st and 22nd centuries and so on need a specified Document, similar to a 'Constitution' or a 'Bill of Rights' which establishes the core mission statement of the nation and its key and agreed upon National Objectives. It cannot be a partisan plan - controlled and voted in on by one party only. It needs to be a united position representing the voice and will of the Australian people. Within this plan such structures as Governmental support and planning for businesses and other organizations with a 'Government Service Worker' (GSW) assigned to a Government Sponsored Organizations (GSO), a legal Australian Organization or Institution whose membership or workforce exceeds 500 individuals (as a suggested number) whose objective is to assist and help prosper the organization to meet its own objectives and stay afloat while, at the same time, retaining its contribution to society and the objectives of the Nation as a whole. A GSW should naturally be assigned to all business, as an example, whose workforce numbers is 500 or more, to aid the business in its ongoing profit making initiatives or its voluntary mandates. The Australia Plan needs to focus Australia and Australian citizens on a purpose for the nation, and give a sense of meaning and life objective for the individuals within the nation, especially when many individuals often lack a clear purpose and sense of direction in life.



One of the key policies of the APP is to differentiate between citizenships for those members of society who want 'Freedom' and those who agree to live by the laws and rules and regulations of Australian society. Registered citizenship will be introduced. Registered citizens have full access to the range of Australian Government and Public Service services. They are still required to vote, pay taxes, and enjoy the general benefits of Australian society citizenship. They will be issued an ID card denoting their Australian registered citizenship, which will probably be merged with the Medicare Card. For most intents and purposes life will remain exactly the same for registered citizens. Those members of society, though, who choose not to accept full Registered citizenship will not be allowed to partake of the full array of the legal Australian lifestyle. They will not be allowed to vote, not allowed to become members of Government, Public Service, or other state controlled occupations, and they will not be allowed to use library services. They will not be issued Medicare cards, and they do not have to pay taxes at all because of all these sacrifices. They will not be entitled to free legal aid, or free education in schools, nor partake of Austudy and any other Centrelink allowances of any kind whatsoever. They may freely use all private sector shops, they may use public hospitals but will have to pay full costs, they may go to public schools, but will have to pay full costs for education. They are still obligated to observe the general laws of society, for the purposes of keeping the peace, but greater degrees of liberty will be considered, determined by the nature of the laws themselves. They will not be required to, in fact, even register births in Australia, but a fee for registering a birth as an 'Unregistered' citizen will be allowed. In relation to issues of vaccination, should they become mandatory, such citizens will be able to make their own choices. On many roads road tolls will be introduced, which they must pay, which registered citizens will be able to use free of charge. This is to ensure that, as they use the roads, they pay a reasonable and fair share for maintaining them. If they make declaration of rights of fair use of public courses, this should be honoured. Society can not claim that unregistered citizens have agreed to anything more than common use tracks, and should not be obliged to cover road costs because of it. It was not necessarily the unregistered citizens choice to build the road. In all fairness they should be required to claim free access, because if they tacitly agree to the paving of public roads they certainly should pay the toll. This is each citizens decision and choice. Now a key philosophy of Registered versus Unregistered citizens is empowerment and freedom of choice. It is about improving the world when, were we can, we allow our citizens to make their own decisions. They can choose to opt out – they can choose to opt in. Their human right of self-determination is honoured – the choice is theirs.


DEFENSE (Daniel)

We will establish the Australian Defense Force Drone Surveillance Network (ADFDSN) for the monitoring of the borders of Australia's coastlines. They will be used to track illegal fishing, unlawful people-smuggling activities, and standard defense work also. A permanent solar powered drone system will be set up, likely at distances of 1 kilometre apart, around the entire outer perimeter of Australian coastlines, at the border between Australian waters and International waters. A defense centre will be established in an outlying town of the Canberra region, potentially Bredbo orJugiong, to prosper this town's economic status also, as well as being the chief surveillance headquarters for the operation. Approximately 5,000 to 10,000 staff would be involved, which would be a cost for the Australian people, but a necessary one which, in time, with increasing population and greater tax dollars available, would decrease as an overall component of defense budget spending, as an increase in workers would not really be necessary as the coastline monitored does not actually increase in size.



A successful nation is an educated nation. Western custom is to teach children in schooling years till they are legal adults for the most part, when they are free to make their own life choices. In harmony with our view that 20 years of age is a more appropriate age to designate full adulthood, we prescribe mandatory secondary education until the 20th year, or to be more precise Year 14. Year 13 would be a year of standard curriculum, yet year 14 would be a year of review, in which the entire 15 years of schooling are reviewed. Students would be assessed on their strengths and weaknesses at the beginning of year 14, and there would be a focus to address issues of concern. It should not be surprising how uneducated some students still are on certain areas of knowledge, despite having made it all the way to year 14, so these areas need to be focused on to bring up to a satisfactory level of knowledge.



Australian society is used to our citizens becoming of legal age at 16 for some things, and 18 for the rest. But in the judgement of the APP this is too young. For example, most of us know that it is younger people who are responsible for most of the reckless behaviour involving alcohol, and it is certainly younger people involved with the higher degree of motor vehicle accidents. In our view 18 is just honestly too young to allow alcoholic drinking in public places, and the granting of driver licences. Further, to be a truly prosperous country we simply must educate our children more so. We propose the mandatory education of youth to 20 years of age, and adding in year 13 and year 14 to the curriculum, which must all be completed. It is important to more properly mature our youth so that they can more firmly and responsibly take their part in society.



Puberty is nature's signal that a human is ready for sexual activity. We see little point in mandating an age for sexual conduct, as the biology of the body determines when it is appropriate. This is usually in the very early teen years, so if a legal age must be set we would have it reduced to 13 years of age.


Obviously renewable sources of energy will not run out. As the increased demand continues to come for energy, investing in renewable energy is the way of the future. Wind turbines are favoured by us, placing them in areas surveyed and analysed which will have the minimum impact and disruption on the human and animal population. These are needed and there are more places we can place wind turbines without disturbing society too much. Hydroelectrici...ty still has opportunities in it, and it is a very challenging balancing act to find places of using this technologywhch will have minimal impact on environmental, economic and societal concerns. Whatever is done compensatory measures within reason and fairness would need to be acted on. Naturally, it is in the best interests of everyone to ensure we have the electricity we need, so something needs to be done to provide for our future needs, to affect the lifestyle of Australian citizens in as minimal a way negatively as possible. We do know, though, tough decisions need to be made.



Recycled water is actually very clean water and fine for drinking. If you watch documentaries on it, you will find it is very clean water. But it just has a stigma associated with it. However, if they recycled the water in plants on the edges of cities, and then pumped the water upstream quite a bit to pour it out into the rivers of our catchments, and let the water 'Naturalise', it would lose its entire stigma. The result would be enough clean, safe and 'Natural' water for us too drink, which has lost its stigmatization. 


Naturally, using non-recylable plastics as insulation is a great idea. Grinding them down and using them is filler in concrete mixes is also an option.


We will establish an organisation for the maintenance of the official coastlines of Australia to prevent erosion of the coastline. Large boulder rocks will be placed along places susceptible to erosion, which is already practiced somewhat, so that property boundaries and official lands of Australia will be maintained exactly as they currently stand. The rocks are covered with steel meshing, and if deemed necessary concrete infilling can be used also. The purpose is to maintain the coastlines of Australia permanently without fear of gradual erosion from the waves of the ocean.



Going further on the ideas of water, one of the cornerstone long term projects of the ANM is to develop inner Australia, and its desert and wasteland regions, greening them. This would be achieved by the establishment of desalination plants on the coastlines of Australia, and the building of a pipeline network to pump water into the inner Australian regions. This water would be permanently used both as drinking water, but primarily for irrigation. Soil cultivation techniques, through taking vegetative waste from cities and towns, processing this material, and working into the soil of our arid regions, would assist, alongside the permanent supply of water, to permanently and sustainably bring green living to central Australian regions. This would prosper the farming communities of Australia, and lead to the realistic development of a huge host of inner villages, towns and cities.




With the world of the future encroaching upon our lives every day, population issues eventually become a problem.  The Canberra of tomorrow eventually has to face this daunting issue.  Cities need to do more, and provide more, with less land as a natural resource.  The idea of Mega-Cities is to put aside a suburb of about a square kilometer.   Large skyscrapers are built in the suburb - 2 dozen or so - going a number of miles or even more (now architecturally feasible). One of the scrapers is set aside as a food production scraper. It would incorporate a sewerage system in the basement, a series of mirrors would be used to reflect the natural light from outside on each level for inexpensive lighting, you would utilize solar powered sheets on the walls of the scraper for energy, and build a wind turbine energy generator on the roof. On the hundreds of levels you would have aquaculture, horticulture and a farming industry.  Soil - the world has plenty of it - could be cultivated and placed as earth within various levels and grass grown on the soil within each level to feed animals and grow appropriate vegetable crops. The natural lighting from the mirrors help them grow and with the energy from the solar and wind generators you can use additional lighting and power when necessary.  Appropriate air conditioning would be put in place and appropriate water recycling systems used for the food tower. In the remaining scrapers the growing population would be used as well as providing for industry. With the great height of the mega city scrapers we can now theoretical build, potentially millions of people or more could fit in a standard suburban mega city suburb.




From my own observations I find that some people who have gotten their driver license and passed their tests, later on, aren't necessarily that good at all the rules of traffic on the roads. It is the wise thing to do to get a regular update of the Road Traffic Authority's Road Rules Manual and continue to study this manual over your driving life. Care can be very dangerous objects, and can and do cause a lot of accidents from drivers who do not follow the road rules properly and drive according to what the law prescribes. A driver, a head of an household or anyone using a car, should take it most definitely as their personal responsibility to ensure they update their knowledge regularly and continue to study the manual over their driving life. Going further, I think personally it is a good idea that drivers read their driving rules test once every time they get their license renewed. It should also be a practice of lifelong drivers to use the services of a driving instructor to fine tune their driving techniques over life.  With these considerations in mind, road law would be addressed to make whatever suitable modifications we deem appropriate.  It could also possibly affect the education curriculum in secondary schools.



We follow traditional ideas for a Bullet Train for Australia. We support the Australian Bullet Train Party's core ideas, and I doubt we'd do very much different from their agenda.




One of our core projects is to work with the Australian Space Research Institute for the goal of Terra forming Mercury, Venus and Mars for human habitation. Partnered with NASA, we would invest billions into research and development to achieve the objective of literally colonizing these planets and building a Stellar Civilization. As an example, the colonizing of Venus, which is our first priority involves: Reducing the temperature of Venus' surface from 462 degrees Celsius to a more moderate degree. Eliminating most of the planets dense carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide atmosphere, via removal or conversion to a differing state, and the implanting of oxygen into the atmosphere, likely through planting of greenery. A variety of approaches to accomplish this could include: Solar shades based in space to block the sun's heat. Reflective floating balloon cities to block the sun's heat around the planet, whose number would need to be vast. The building of a physical 'Green House' environment over the surface of Venus, to block the sun's rays, made from the raw material of Venus itself, with filtered light and venting to balance the requirements for temperature and atmosphere. Introduction of Hydrogen into the atmosphere to produce elemental carbon (graphite) and water by the Bosch reaction. This hydrogen could be obtained from the gas planets or their ice moons. There already exists literature on this idea, and it would be researched by the Australian Space Exploration Authority to achieve the objectives.




Personally I think protectionist policies can work for Australia. The key is conservative but well planned and managed government investment into areas we rely heavily on imports. Addressing the usual trade deficit in the long term requires developing national infrastructure in goods and services which would help us become more self-sufficient as a nation. As an example, in an area I am familiar with, investment into Australian comics would be a good idea. Supporting a company with steady funds, a company like gestalt comics, to build its brand name and identity in Australia, and potentially internationally, would be wisdom. There are a number of comic companies in Australia, but people should know that we import a great deal of American comics from companies like DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Australia has quite a large deficit in this area, which ideally should be addressed. Also, in areas of film production, Australians buy a great deal of Hollywood movies, and thus investment into big blockbuster Australian films from Australian based companies would be the way to go. The same holds true for music. The Aria charts usually have a great deal of American and British artists. In these cultural entertainment areas Australia is in deficit. Also video games - Australia can not really compete currently terribly well with the likes of X-Box and Playstation. These areas are areas of cultural trade deficit in Australia. Not huge, but careful and long term investment in developing these strengths in Australia is a key to a long term reduction in the trade deficit.




Generally we view that some citizens don't really want to work, and many people who receive the jobseekers allowance don't put in any real effort to find work and, for want of a better word, bludge the system. We propse living in the real world on such issues. A standard living wage should be made available of $50 per week (2017 level to be indexed), which provides for all citizens upon application to Centrelink. No more forms or requirements will be made of such individuals for the remainder of their life. This is all that society will be obliged to provide, apart from the standard Medicare card. In this way non-motivated individuals who really don't care about contributing to Australian life can be supported in a basic way which provides them with the ability to buy basic food and basic clothes, ending society's responsibilities towards individuals with a non-achieving mentality. For serious individual's who desire to make something of their lives the standard Job Search package is to remain in force, with continued use of work for the dole, especially in the form of our GBE policy. This separates citizens who have a work focus away from non-motivated citizens, who prefer a more carefree attitude and doing what they want to do with their lives. We feel it is not Australian society's responsibility to provide any great income for non-motivated individual's who don't take their jobseeking requirements seriously, so they would simply be issued a living wage, a medicare card, and left to their own devices.

Work For the Dole Options.

A Further policy of the APP on Work for the Dole is that citizens can work for the dole 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days a week, depending on what they choose. The Income is determined by how many days per week they work. This would be adjusted to the Nation's realistically affordable budget on the issue. A primary example, from my observations, is that fruit pickers and harvest pickers in some areas of Australia are very hard to get Australian Citizens to work on, as it is hard work, and many are unwilling to do this work. Foreign employees are often utilized because of it. This would be a good area to apply work for the dole to, as it gives Australia the resulting income without income of Australia leaving the country, and employs Australian citizens in works which in all fairness should be their responsibility. Further, it toughens up citizens who take too much for granted from government support, placing them in proper life work situations were they genuinely earn and deserve the support they are getting from the government. Exploitation of work for the dole citizens in this respect is an area which needs to be carefully examined, but citizens should feel it their obligation, all citizens, to contribute to the nations good. Sluggardly behaviour in citizens who do not work when work is available is not fair on the rest of Australia, when others are working to pay your bills. The dole amount should be fair and reasonable, within Australia's budgetary capabilities, and can be compensated somewhat by the need for the nation to take care of its citizenship. The probable aim is neither deficit of government spending, nor increase in a sense of profiteering, but not for profit were work for the dole citizens are paid fairly for the work they do for the nation.


The Time Machine.  H.G. Wells.  The future society were they all live in bliss, all supplied for.  One way or another our world is becoming more technological and complex.  As businesses grow technologically there is the ability to employ less people and more machines, cutting right back on wages – which employ people – and increasing earnings and profits through little compensatory reward to the general public in terms of employment.  A future pizza business could have machines making the pizza, drones delivering the pizza, a robot checking the running of everything and doing repairs, with absolutely no boss apart from the owner, who has a chain of these industrial sector businesses nationwide.  Hemake, say, 100 million a year, and has minimal costs.  But he makes all this money, does very little work, and regular citizens aren’t compensated through gaining employment.  It’s not right.  But it’s a reality.  Remember, we started the economic system as human’s – we invented money to distribute wealth.  It serves us – we don’t serve it.  The economic system is used for fair and equitable distribution of wealth.  When it doesn’t work properly, we have to change the rules.  Inevitably, it is probably in our best interests to let companies like this come in and flourish – but there has to be fair and equitable compensation to the citizens of the nation who didn’t have the advantages of land ownership and capital to start such businesses.  Thus, we propose a taxation system of ratio be introduced corresponding to a business and the number of people it employs in relation to the profit it earns overall.  It’s just not right when a company earns trillions, pays very little in wages back to society, and grows in wealth and prosperity to the rest of society’s detriment.  Yet we should allow it, and compensate the nation in social payments, in the future not just to unemployed and disability support pensioners, but to regular citizens in lower paying jobs.  It’s only fair.




The problem with inflation is unmanageable large numbers after a while.  So the obvious thing to do is introduce a new currency name at the 100 point every time.  For Australia we suggest:

100 Dollars buys 1 (One) Centrul

100 Centruls buys 1 (One) Doleera

100 Doleeras buys 1 (One) Centar

100 Centars buys 1 (One) Dolrod

100 Dolrods buys 1 (One) Century

100 Centuries buys 1 (One) Dolomite

100 Dolomites buys 1 (One)  Centrak

100 Centraks buys 1 (One) Dolvern

And so on

When the coin currency is starting to become obsolete the new level is updated, and the old levels notes gradually shift to coinage.




I propose the formation of Government run businesses (GBEs), especially in fields in which they can make money. They are a business enterprise established by the Federal and State Governments, the workforce of which is made up of centrelink payment recipients. I propose that, to be eligible to receive a centrelink allowance AND if one is capable of working to receive an income, then legislation be introduced making it mandatory that such recipients be involved in (apart from other legislated activities) the work of a GBE. GBEs could be made flexible to the requirements of the Private and Public Sectors in relation to each sectors unemployment rate. Theoretically, when the Private and Public sector Employment rate increases, GBEs could decrease staff numbers in a reciprocal response. Correspondingly, when employment decreases, GBEs could increase staff numbers in a likewise reciprocal response. Theoretically, through careful management, there is no real need for any citizen who desires to work and further their quality of life not to be able to gain some sort of working experience on a permanent basis (if such is what each individual desires), through the interaction between Private and Public Sector employment and GBE employment. It should be the goal of society to have every work-capable individual employed.
The advantage of GBEs is that they can provide permanent employment for the less 1success-oriented2 and 1skill-focused2 individuals (of which society will always have a certain percentage), to also be able to know that the broader society also desires them to be able to realize their dreams and aspirations. The prevailing philosophy amongst western economics is that each individual works to maximize their opportunities and advance themselves in the economic situation. The reality is that, while this has a degree of truth in it, many citizens are less ambitious in terms of career objectives and working to realize them, than more driven citizens. An intelligent and humane economic policy will take this socio-economic, anthropological reality into account, and shape policy accordingly. In essence we should ask, through knowledge of social history, what are the strengths and weaknesses of society as a whole. What are the capabilities of ALL our citizens. Government in Australia should, as all governments ideally should, be focuses on the standard of living for not just one special interest group or groups but aimed at satisfying the material objectives of ALL citizens great and small alike. The term 'Value Each Citizen' should be the core of the heart of every individual, group and political party involved in the business of administering and governing society. Because of this, it is important to assist, wherever and whenever possible, those less motivated citizens to likewise realize their dreams and aspirations.
A GBE which is carefully managed to meet the employment realities of a nation can provide a framework in which:
* Security....
* A sense of belonging
* A sense of contribution
* The realization that over the long-term, their economic situation will gradually improve (through the proposed incrementally increasing wage system)
* Actual contribution to the economy,
are realized.
Realistically, when unemployment is high, full-time permanent employment within the Private and Public sector systems cannot be realized for every citizen. However, even when unemployment is high, we still maintain a system of social payments (traditionally called social security, welfare or centrelink allowances) to those most greatly disaffected by the economic situation this is part of the compassion of Australian Society, and an important and vital moral and ethical precept. As we can maintain such systems, common sense dictates that while they are in place, it would be best to maximize their usefulness. Putting it simply, if we are providing allowances for citizens who are unemployed which is part of our obligations, based on physical needs it is in societies best interest to utilize this potential factor of production – labour - in the furtherance of the national economic situation. The work for the dole scheme is a current example of this in action. However, more can and should be done. GBEs have the potential to not only produce an income for those individuals disaffected by the economic situation during times of high private and public sector unemployment 6 but to actually contribute to the economic situation through government run business initiatives in areas which will be beneficial to Australia as a whole.
For example, the textiles industry in Australia is almost extinct due to superpower china. GBEs in this area for which highly-skilled staff are not always required (which is often what the unemployed sector of society is replete with) could, primarily due to the simple fact that wage costs already being met by our social security obligations actually be able to compete with the imported products. Australia has many natural resources. Through various GBEs, many of these resources could be exploited at a low cost to enable Australia to be which is the ideal self-sufficient in more areas. These resources could be utilized by, for example, the textiles industry, to provide cheap raw material to produce low-cost goods. Naturally this economic reality is realized when private and public sector unemployment is high. When this is low, GBE output decreases. However, as private and public sector unemployment is in fact low at this time, the economic objective of full employment is still being met
Would this create an underclass of workers through applying this approach? The stark reality is that, to create a better future for Australia, is the BETTER option for the economic situation of the nation for people in receipt of centrelink allowances to be physically employed and working for their allowance and contributing to the economic situation through the medium of the GBE (which will ultimately foster growth and economic prosperity) than not to be so utilized. Putting it simply, it is in their own and Australia's best long-term interest to be employed in a GBE 6 for whatever duration until the economic situation improves. Further, while critics may suggest employment in a GBE is of less value for the individuals sense of status, remaining in a GBE long-term means that their economic situation and thus status will improve (due to the proposed incremental hours and wage system). In regards to the notion of incremental wage increase over time, this will ultimately have to be flexible to the economic realities which face the nation at any particular moment However, an incremental wage system, to the point of which long-term service is rewarded, should be feasible in some measure and is, of course, the ideal. It is only just and fair that people be rewarded for long-term contribution to the economic situation of the nation, with a corresponding and appropriate increase in their allowance, usually incrementally adjusted with a corresponding obligation to increase hours worked to justify such an increase.
*Textile, clothing and manufacturing industries
*Farming industries For example Fruits and vegetables. The same factors which make the textile industry feasible for GBEs (ie generally only a requirement for low-skilled workers), make this an ideal potential GBE market. Likewise, it could re-enter in a much larger degree Australia's internal involvement in this market, for which imports are strongly competitive
*In essence, any industry in which low-skilled workers could be utilized, that are not currently being greatly served by the economic situation in the private and public sectors.
GBEs have the potential of revitalizing areas of the Australian marketplace which suffer due to global competition especially amongst low skilled working nations and their imports into Australia. GBEs are an excellent avenue through which Australia's own low-skilled workforce can be utilized. As the GBE becomes established, it may even potentially compete in the export market (which the low cost of labour suggests is possible). People employed in GBEs, due to the proposed condition that such employment be on a permanent basis 6 are also, through experience
gained in working in the GBE, capable of contributing their own ideas to the long-term prosperity of the GBE (as realized in all companies). Human nature teaches us that when people are part of an endeavour, and feel as if they are being made use of in an appropriate way, are often more willing to contribute ideas that will enhance the economic prosperity of the organization of which they are a part. In essence, if they feel they have a long-term stake in the initiative, which the GBE should ideally be able to realize, they are far more likely to act in the best interests of the organization. They would sense that it is furthering their future economic prosperity by doing so. Ironically, more career focused individuals within the private sector often act primarily to achieve their individual career objectives, often resulting in organizations losing vital labour resources, which they had often worked quite hard to obtain. Low skilled workers in GBEs are usually more desiring of permanency in employment often understood as a form of security but have the long-term potential of contributing not only stability to an organization, but reliability of the labour factor, which will more greatly help an organization meet its organizational objectives. NOTE: The innate human desire for permanency in various situations such as marriage, club membership, sporting team affiliations, employment and other areas, really needs to be taken into account and realized when formulating economic policy. The labour market is a mixture of those looking for ongoing change of employment to satisfy career objectives, and those who more greatly desire permanency. Sensible economic policy will be formulated taking into account this social reality. The recent economic attitude of continuous training of workers while appropriate for an economy of ever changing economic variables (such as supply and demand, technological innovations, environmental concerns etc), is not as greatly needed for certain industries, such as textiles, manufacturing, farming etcthe very industries in which low skilled workers can be placed, and GBEs become a reality.



Centrelink, and the Australian Government, generally regard it the responsibility of a citizen, if they wish to obtain welfare support from the Government, to allow this, but regard it as their responsibility thereafter to enter into the Australian economy. It is a Centrelink recipients responsibility to get a job. What this means is this: Australia has a money system, and can increase the money supply if necessary to support you as a citizen. If you can show yourself 'Productive' to the Australian economic system, and offer goods or services which benefit the Australian community, and which they value enough to purchase from you, you have an entitlement to a monetary supply from the Australian government. Being decent about it is in your savings: If you wish to live in comfort in Australian society, remember somebody has to do the work for the Australian system. Work has to be done to provide. If you skive on just earning money from the system on Interest of Shares, this is not really earning the provision from Australia you are getting. This is legal, but not really moral. It's not fair to the rest of the citizenship to make them do your work. So in your savings, the fair thing to do is to work towards home ownership, certainly. A responsible human has learned how to manage their own household. A responsible Australian citizen does this also. Also, spending your savings on the Australian economy, and also to a degree internationally, as overseas people do buy Australian products, boosts the economy and people trying to gain income to live in the economic system. Major items which cost a lot of money can be saved towards, and you should, once you have the money, usually follow through, unless there are other things you want to buy instead, which is ok, as long as the money is spent. So, normally, spend the money you get on the economy, which keeps the ball rolling, keeps people employed, and is doing the right thing. If you are on welfare, it is ok to spend on a diverse array of things in the economy, as this provides income for people providing their goods and services to the economy. So, you need to be productive with your economy when you can. If you get money from the system, you need to do something for the system which justifies your income, and is a decent service to the economy and society. Do what you can. If you are not capable of much, and are getting welfare, do voluntary work. Go around picking up rubbish, or offering help to businesses for free, and various things, which genuinely improve society. Also, people usually have talents, so if you can design things with your time, and make some nice things, and give these things to people - if such things bless their lives and make them happy, you are morally and reasonably earning your welfare. But ideally, try to get a job if an employer needs someone, or start your own endeavour. Try to find a niche in the economy which people will appreciate. Something they will value. Something good and decent that they will appreciate. Do the right thing by the economy, and generally that is the right and decent thing to do.


Parliament House

The Game

Design a Australian Canberra Parliament House like a Dolls House which splits in two on hinges. Little action figures are designed also. The action figures are placed in various rooms inside the house as the game progresses. A comprehensive Gaming Manual is designed which gives the Role Playing through Parliament House. You can play a politician, a news reporters, an office worker, security or a cleaner or cafeterian. You have a games objective for each game. For the politician it is to end up Prime Minister, for the News Reporters its key news items and an award for news presenter of the year, for office workers its promotion to PM Secretary, for security its the top job and for cleaners its running the house cleaning network and for cafeteria delivering items to cabinet and PM. It works over a 3 year timeframe, and ends in the next election.

Parliament House will need to make use of the TAPP Policies as the policies for the game in PH. Half a dozen of the TAPP Blessings will need to be for knowledge for the other roles in PH. The policies are debated out in party conference rooms and in the House of Reps and Senate. The politician is the leader of the TAPP and the objective is to get the legislation passed through RPG debate with the other players to the point where TAPP has enough success to win the next election and the leader of TAPP becomes PM.

There is a Games Master, the Primary Player, and roughly 2 or 3 other players in minor roles who play the game to test the endeavours of the primary player.

The 12 Order in the House Cards

There are 12 'Order in the House' cards, 1 for each of the 12 seasons of the 3 year term. These are randomly shuffled, and placed face downwards. The object of the game is to draw 1 card for each season and work through the issues for that season in the game. Paying attention to the Order in the House Cards helps complete the game objectives. The cards need to be relevant for all the Roles in the game. The way the Games Master judges the interpretations the players use in the games is flexible, as its a role playing game which twists and turns with life decisions, the imagination.